TPG's worldwide division?!

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TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by cassinoroyale »

TPG attempted to do an all euro tournament lead by kaiiser some time ago but due to this very inept admin it died shortly after week 1. And thats was when DoD was buried deep in euro lands by the time StarCraft 2 was released. But since there is some good activity (weekly nightcups on both UMGL and EnemyDown.UK and leagues being played) perhaps we could work on maybe mixing some of the interested USA teams with them into a separated division (the so called Worlwide) in to TPG's website unbrella. So it wouldn't interfere with the regular divisions at all. Euros usually play on sundays with CET time as default (6h ahead from EST) which means that the games would be on weekends only so no big deal for average people. Given that me and other good USA/SA players played some tournaments and scrims against them I think it would be fun since they are willing to play that much. About server issue average USA players ping like 110-130 in a shitty german server and like 80-90 on a good UK server but since its a international league server change between halves would fit perfectly since people from a frozen scandinavian country that have stellar broadband connection can ping 80 on a east cost USA server LOLWUT!

So what say you? ESL project is pretty much dead and since several teams cried/bitched/died during season 26 perhaps this can bring some competitiveness to this old but fun game (alright perhaps its not so fun ingame but the recent rages and threads on this very forum made me rofl a few times :)). There are some euro guys interested on trying this out (one of them is actually UMGL's head admin).
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Re: TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by L-T »

Good idea!
Right link to ED site :)

I guess friday evenings and saturday evenings should work best, because many people that play dod don´t work on the weekend and thats when the time zones doesnt really matter. TPG is on sundays and It will be 2-5am CET, so it would be good if it doesnt get to late for europeans or to early for north and south americans.

How about to use both euro and USA servers in the league, The matches should be playing on the home teams server ?
LOLWUT I got will have 200 ping on the eastcoast :geek:
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Re: TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by defiance »

Why keep it separate from our normal TPG? If you let the euros in, you can finally make invite actually be invite. Thunder, Drugs, +1 NA super group, Owned, +1 SA team, 3 best euro teams.

Integrating it with the TPG have now will have a nice trickle down effect on everyone else, and help keep the community alive. Teams like noLuck or squares whined or died their way out of invite, because before this season it has been pretty much a foregone conclusion that whatever version of Thunder is going to win.(yes drugs, you are giving them a run this season, we know.) It would pretty much make doing divisions a lot easier, because there is a huge skill/teamwork cap from Thunder and drugs to everyone else and within everyone else there isn't that huge gap, until you get to the pub clans.

just my 2 cents, but what do i know, im the one that wants a league with all object maps like kraftsoff
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Re: TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by cassinoroyale »

Would USA teams accept on playing their regular matches on sundays 4 pm instead of 9 pm? Did you forgot about the timezones? as for euros yeah I cant really asnwer for them but at least I feel that its not attractive playing 3 am of the morning either. Not to mention that not everyone would like this idea (haters/trollers mainly) so since TPG is going to a two divisions again due to community bitchin' and south americans idiots that can't stick with rules yeah thats the most likely scenario.
Last edited by cassinoroyale on Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by nomis »

I say just do a 4 team tournament, USA, canada, brazil and Europe, would be sweet
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Re: TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by pdxstar »


Thats hot..

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Re: TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by Tim »

Yeah I think a tournament would be fun and could also give you guys an idea of the skill level of teams for placement you were to integrate tpg.
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Re: TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by dorraj »

I like Austins idea, but I also like the idea of playing Europeans in a league. I'm east coast so I don't mind 100-140 ping in European servers but I'm sure a lot of west coast people won't like 200 ping. How about both?
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Re: TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by Schmiggs »

Yeah most US players arent going to play at 4pm.

A seperate division would work. You would definitely get some US players in there.
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Re: TPG's worldwide division?!

Post by k4b00m »

What are you doing on a Sunday at 4PM that you cant play DoD for an hour? Unless you're in high school and have a part time job....

I'm down for whatever works for euros to play in TPG.
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