Jb_ wrote:Half you **** idiots dont even know what rating is or what it even does. People in this community who knows traize will tell you he isnt the kind of guy to pull something like this to win a match. Hell he hasnt played with us once all season, he just showed up to do us a favor. He went negative both halves using a untter/tommy. Im the one who SHIT on your long team and I will do it again because im better then anyone on your **** roster (minus austin who shouldnt be on your team in the first place). Youve been playing competivlely since 2006? WOW BUDDY GUESS WHAT I WAS WINNING CPLS BEFORE YOU EVEN STARTED PLAYING. Your a sad group of kids and ive lost all respect I had for you. "we were on the wrong guns" Yeh guess what so were we, but you have to do what u can when people dont show up for matches. OH and before you wanna get all high and mighty about the rules, We all know defiance and hd caught apple rating against them in which you guys won. Defiance being an old school player who is cool and respectful didnt force yall to overturn your win. Instead he took his loss like a man and gave yall the win because you deserved it. This is the same situation except the semis instead of a regular season match. Its all good though, you cry baby **** are gonna get what you want and thats another rematch. Yeh you will probably win bc our roster consist of alot of older guys who get on here and play for FUN. Key word here is fun, which goes right out the window when you play a bunch of **** suckers such as yourselves. Lets have hltv this time so everyone can watch me shit on and embarass whoever is going long because its gonna happen, im just better.Char wrote:Hi, I am char from Mindflow. I would just like to say a few things -- I've been playing this game since 2006 competitively and I have never had to play a rematch once, even in playoffs. I recently heard that a TPG open team received 0 points in a playoffs match due to rating, however, in our case we were forced to play a rematch. From what Taylor told me, the entire argument from the TPG admin for our rematch was "It's a playoffs match, and I'd like to see it replayed". Then where is the rematch for that TPG lower team? We were not offered the FF win. I'd like to make that clear. Also, we played with three people on the wrong guns, so I don't understand why you want a rematch when we are just going to clean up our stupid mistakes and do better on Sunday... We did nothing wrong, and yet we are made out to look like the bad guys. We aren't the ones who broke the rules. We also aren't trying to bend them. You keep saying we are the better team? Then stop dragging out this nonsense and let us go to finals. We are going to beat you on Sunday anyway. Thanks, -Char.
Edit : Also, I've never heard someone say "We won fair and square" with someone rating on their team. lol.
p.s Traize should be suspended. I believe the player should be punished, not the whole team. Each case is diffrent and this one is pretty obvious there was no intent to rate and get an advantage. Had that been the case, then maybe your arguements may have a leg to stand on.
And actually taylor, panda and slaya are all still cool dudes, its the other 3 or 4 of you crybabies that can get a dick.
this is where you are wrong, "the player should be punished, not the whole team" you've been punishing whole teams all season long when someone rated in a match, you give them 0 points for the half they rated in + suspend the player. now that it's your team it's a whole different story. there should be no rematch at all. look at KS, they rated, you gave them 0 points, gave them no option to replay the match and called it a day.