gwolf_ wrote:
Lol. Whatever you say MG. I don't think of donations to non profits (like bowl games and fraternal organizations) as being charitable giving. I think of charitable giving as being to organizations like the red cross, unicef, educational foundations etc. So does the IRS, that's why they don't allow for a charitable contribution deduction.
You honestly think people won't claim this? I have some land in the Everglades to sell you. I'm not saying it's good or bad that people do donate money like this, but to claim we shouldn't be taxing these people to provide programming like Foodstamps and Low income housing because people donated some money to the Red Cross (or some sort of esoteric 'social development' group) is nonsensical.
I'm sorry you seem to be under the impression people won't do it claim they're giving back to the community by donating to such organizations.
And before you get all butt-hurt like I'm making this up, the BCS bowls are registered as 501(c)(3) organizations. Hence, why Playoff PAC is suing them.