Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

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Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by scorch- »

Wikipedia sent me to my Senator's contact form, which looks like it has been annihilated by traffic. ... /e-mail-me

coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory$ServiceNotAvailableException: The '' service is not available.
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javax.servlet.ServletException: ROOT CAUSE:
coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory$ServiceNotAvailableException: The '' service is not available.
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Who knows, their crazy plan might work... if they come up with millions to throw at our politicians.
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Re: Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by mg_ »

PIPA and SOPA pretty much underscore what our Congress represents. $94 million donations from interested parties in anticipation of the bills from various media groups, special interests, etc. and voila, unabashed non-partisan support for bullshit legislation.

It's a shame if only the majority of people had enough money to get the ears of their elected representatives.
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Re: Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by scorch- »

My representative is retiring this year, so my county can't even throw the I'M GONNA VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE fear into his heart.
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Re: Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by ThatsRight »

It's a shame if only the majority of people had enough money to get the ears of their elected representatives.
The majority could get what they wanted if they were intelligent enough to be involved and demand it. Special interest groups get what they want because they actively pursue what's in their best interests. The average American sits and does nothing. They do not know anything about anything that goes on.

People will say that powerful business interests or media are getting their way....but what would happen if the majority of people said that any group that is found to be associated with this will lose financial support? I bet those groups, be it media, or what ever, will back off in a hurry.

Any company/group/what ever can be brought down by voting with your wallet.
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Re: Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by squatta_leader »

Reh wrote:
It's a shame if only the majority of people had enough money to get the ears of their elected representatives.
The majority could get what they wanted if they were intelligent enough to be involved and demand it. Special interest groups get what they want because they actively pursue what's in their best interests. The average American sits and does nothing. They do not know anything about anything that goes on.

People will say that powerful business interests or media are getting their way....but what would happen if the majority of people said that any group that is found to be associated with this will lose financial support? I bet those groups, be it media, or what ever, will back off in a hurry.

Any company/group/what ever can be brought down by voting with your wallet.
Holy delusion.

It would be cute (**** awesome) if this were true, but good lord if you actually believe that average persons ("majority") can compete ("get what they want") with special interests simply by "being intelligent enough to be involved and demand it", you are out of your **** mind.

Have you really convinced yourself that if everyone was just as smart as you were that the world would be utopia of equality?

Do some mushrooms, wake up bro.
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Re: Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by ThatsRight »

I don't think the world will ever be some magical equal fun place.

What I meant is things get done from aggressive action. Get out and do something about it instead of crying woe is me the big bad interest groups call the shots.

I am a firm believer in corrective action. Identify the problem and work towards a solution. Pointing out the problem and doing nothing is useless. Of course nothing is fixed easily or over night, but always trend in the right direction.

If I'm not mistaken many of the amendments to the constitution were pushed through pretty fast because they were huge issues that drew tons of outrage.

I don't follow politics because the two party system is nothing but a sham, but money talks. If "XYZ" media corporation was pushing for something shitty with a special interest group and the people threw their anger at them by taking their money elsewhere in mass, I think they back down. It's not just about voting the people out of office.

Do people know who the special interest groups are? All i ever hear is OH THE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS THE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS. Well, who are they? Find out who they are, and hit them where it hurts if their policies they lobby for are so destructive to you. That may take a little research and effort, but I bet the average American would start to get what they wanted more often beause they actually took an active roll in making it happen.
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Re: Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by kirk »

Ricky is going to **** kill himself when he can't post anymore gifs/memes because they'll all be copied content.
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Re: Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by scorch- »

errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... So the plan here is to stop SOPA/PIPA by not buying records or movies and instead pirating them?
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Re: Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by ThatsRight »

errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... So the plan here is to stop SOPA/PIPA by not buying records or movies and instead pirating them?
Quite frankly, I don't know much about them or this situation in general. I do know that stealing has been rampant my entire life. So, maybe these the SOPA/PIPA groups are actually in the right. I don't know. My original post was mainly just about people in general always complain about special interest groups whether it be in farming or banking or whatever.

Is there a real argument against SOPA/PIPA, or is it basically people just wanting to continue to steal at will? I don't know.

Because yes, obviously stealing more and more to hit them where it hurts isn't an effective way to make them back off on pursuing protection of their assets.
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Re: Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA

Post by squatta_leader »

Oh good god... I'm leaving this one to the mitch graham/dan schey braintrust before I pop a blood vessel.
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