A storm is coming

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Re: A storm is coming

Post by james- »

Pretty sure Detroit has ALWAYS been a giant poop fragrant city.

All of your arguments are void.
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Re: A storm is coming

Post by ThatsRight »

Pretty sure Detroit has ALWAYS been a giant poop fragrant city.
No it wasn't. At one time it was the 4th largest city in the United States and went by the name "The Paris of the Midwest". The music, the artwork, theators, ect. It was the manufactering capital of the world. The symbol of American military and economic dominance.

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Re: A storm is coming

Post by squatta_leader »

moosh wrote:German version of thatsright.

Is that the guy from Diehard With A Vengeance?
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Re: A storm is coming

Post by unpro »

chrysler commercials with eminem, solid tool for proving points.
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Re: A storm is coming

Post by lowcarb »

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Re: A storm is coming

Post by Sym »

ThatsRight wrote:

Code: Select all

The report analyzed Michigan’s economic performance and showed that Michigan’s job losses from July 2000 to July 2008 percentage-wise are worse than U.S. job losses suffered during first eight years of the U.S. Great Depression from 1929-1937. It also showed that Michigan has had worse gross domestic production (GDP) growth from 2000 to 2007 than did the United States during the Great Depression era of 1929-1936. 
http://www.reliableplant.com/Read/13750 ... depression

:lol: :lol: :lol:

There really just isn't any way you could look at reality or any data anywhere and come to the conclusion that things aren't bad.

Notice that Dark Green State Called Michigan.

A good video, but it's out of date by a year+ and the map key has changed to show a higher upper limit (14%+ as opposed to 10%+ in the video)

To see the updated maps
2006-2010 : http://www.bls.gov/lau/maps/cnseries.pdf
2011 : http://www.bls.gov/lau/maps/twmcort.pdf

As you can see most districts in Michigan have moved one bracket down, and detroit(metro detroit) in particular has been trending down since '09->'10. Data that you can see for yourself here: http://www.bls.gov/lau/tables.htm

It's still 3% worse than '05 was, but it's 4% better than '09, which was the worst. The numbers now suggest it's not as bad as your video.

Hopefully January will have good numbers as well, which should be out soon, I don't remember when.
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Re: A storm is coming

Post by ThatsRight »

Die hard with a Vengence is one of my top 5 favorite movies. It was just on some channel like 2 nights ago and I watched it~

3 gallon jug. 5 gallon jug. You need 4 gallons. Be precise~

Fill the 5 gallon jug. Pour it into the 3. Pour the 3 gallons out onto the ground. Pour the 2 from the 5 gallon jug into the 3. Fill the 5 gallon jug again...and pour it into the 3 gallon jug...leaving you 4 gallons!

chrysler commercials with eminem, solid tool for proving points.
I just like the commercial. However, like I said, Detroit was known as the Paris of the Midwest. You can do your own research on the music talent that's from there, the DIA, Maceys department store, ect ect. It was the symbol of the American middle class; the highest living standards in the history of the world. There really isn't any doubting that Detroit WAS a world class city. It wasn't "always a shithole".

It wasn't until the 70's with stagflation and the "oil shocks" while we transitioned to the dollar standard that Detroit fell into total hell. Suddenly, American manufactering was a crime, and we had to "globalize" ie dollarize the world. 40 years later, and America has been gutted. The ONLY thing keeping it standing is the role as the reserve currency and financial asset bubbles---oh and wars of aggression.

Michigan is having a resurgence in manufactering because the dollar is being devalued to fix imbalances in the world economy. Of course, these types of devaluations are harsh on a society....as the daily American is finding out now. Energy, food, education, healthcare prices through the roof.....living standards dropping deliberately at a slow pace. The only thing keeping this from being a full blown great depression is the U.s government injecting 1 trillion+ of newly printed money into the economy every year via treasuries. Money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money.
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