I was cleaning up some old external drives and reorganizing my countless backups and came across these. I believe they are from the SoCal Lan we had in Irvine. I forget the name of the place. I see a few familiar faces in there. If I come across more, I'll post em up or if anyone would like to contribute...
Enjoy. It was the War Room that made me wanna post. Couldn't help but remember playing the finals in the bank vault. Shit was fun. Oh the good ol' days.
Nice find defrag! I dont think I ever saw these even during that time!
I'm in that pic with chaos. This was my first lan. I remember I picked up dyelife and drove him there and I got so many pms and shit saying I bettter make sure he got there cause he dodged the previous one or something? haha good times
Im trying so hard to find my cpl/socal lan pics..this is making me sad :/