Sent: Mon Mar 19, 2012 04:09 pm
From: pande
To: Narc
Hello, I was told by Apatik that you were interested in adding a DOD:S section on nineteeneleven, and possibly for TPG as well. That's great, and I was going to make a post for Apatik on the forums, but I wanted to speak with you first about some of the details. Can you email me at ************ or add me on steam, my username is ********.
I NEVER said that to anyone. This person lied to you.
Now we can talk about it sure. Just had to clear this up.
Let's all congratulate narc on using a gif. golfclap.
Yeah, you were screwed during the whole DCN fiasco. I know you definitely wouldn't go begging them to come over after that.
I'm sure we all have our opinions on source. I've said it before, that if they had their own section here, it would make both communities stronger. Maybe get some of the few people who used to play 1.3 to come back, while some of us maaaay test the waters on source. (If they had 2 divisions, i would give it a shot). Their website/forums are awful, probably one of the reasons they are worse off than us. I wouldn't mind if they used tpg as long as it wasn't on sundays. The whole point of using it would be to get more players for both of us.
Oh hahah Cass probably mistyped and said Narc but gave me Sears's profile and then when I spoke to Pande I said it was Narc instead of Sears. My bad!
Anyway, defiance pretty much summed it up! We are working on getting enough teams to at least make 2 divisions. If SA teams were to join us it would greatly help us and 2, maybe 3 divisions would be possible. I think by "merging" both communities it would benefit us all and it would definitely help to organize LANs, get sponsors, etc.
Many people from Source come from 1.3 and vice versa and I know for a fact we already have 1 or 2 team(s) in building for the next TPG season.
Last edited by ApatiK on Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I didn't mean any disrespect, I guess I just really wanted to use a gif. LOL But who is Apatik? I[strike]dont know this guy and why he would go around saying that[/strike]. Im not against Source coming to TPG ( I have no say in 1911) but it would be something that needs to be discussed in depth before it happens.