Xtreme tweaks

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Xtreme tweaks

Post by Xtreme »

Sorry about my bad attitude , i just don't like net kids.
I'm 36 years old and my own job is fix computers , i just wanted to share some tips to the people to help them.
So here is the copy/paste repost :

This post was made for help BIO members to get their computers at the best performance.
Nothing about overclocking or anything that can crash any pc.
My tweaks are separated in different sections , operative system configuration for performance , programs to clean , defrag , antivirus and firewall , and in the other hand
steam and dod configuration.

Operative system configuration :
First make a system restore point just in case you do something wrong.
Now lets set a proper virtual memory :
I have Windows 7 x64 but different OS aren't so different (ask me if you need help)
Go to Start , right click on "Computer" , then properties , left side click on "Advanced system settings" , in Advanced tab click "settings button" en performance section.
Now we have to work in "Visual Effect" and "Advanced" tabs.
Visual Effects tab : click on "custom" and mark only the next 5 shits :
Enable aero peek , Enable transparent glass , show shadows under mouse pointer , smooth edges of screen fonts and Use visual styles on windows and buttons.
Advanced tab : click on "change" button , uncheck " automatically manage paging file...." , click on custom size and type the proper virtual memory size for your computer.
To find out the proper size here is the method : Fisical Ram (GB) x 1024 x 1.5
I have 8GB of ram some for me is : 8x1024x1.5 = 12288
And the proper number have to be in the inicial and maximun size boxes.
Click "Set" , ok and apply , then restart your computer to apply this changes.

Connection tweaks :
First make a backup of your windows registry , for this go to start/run and type regedit.
Now go to file/export type registry backup and save it in your desktop (this is just in case you do something wrong).
Close all those windows u'll wont need them.
Download TCP optimizer here : http://www.speedguide.net/files/TCPOptimizer.exe
Open it and in "general setting" tab choose your speed connection , in the bottom click "optimal" and click "apply changes" , if ask for a backup click ok and restart.

QoS Bandwidth Reserve Limit
Now we are going to change the QoS Bandwidth Reserve Limit , go to start/run and type gpedit.msc
Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, and Network, QoS Packet Scheduler.
In the right side right click on "Limit reservable bandwidth" and click on "Properties".
First Enabled it then change the % from 20 to 0 (zero) , click apply.
Make sure That "QoS Packet scheduler" is enabled on your networking settings , to check this open your "Local area Connection" , "properties" button , then you will see a list of shit , and the "QsO...." should be ckecked to works property.

Programs :
Ccleanerhttp://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download (free)
This is a recommended temp files and registry cleaner.
In the left side click on "Cleaner" and check all boxes except "Wipe free space" , click on "applications" tab , and check all boxes except "saved passwords".
This will delete all the shit that internet left in your computer , if you never cleaned your pc you'll be amazed by the size of unneeded shit in your computer.
After check the boxes just click on "Run cleaner" button and the software will do the work.
Now in the left side click "registry" , check all boxes and click "scan for issues" , when scan finish click on "fix selected issues".

defraggler http://www.piriform.com/defraggler/download/standard (free)
This is a disk defragmenter , before open it use ccleaner.
Just click on "Local Disk" in the top , then "Defrag" button and wait until disk defragmantation is complete.
There are some system files , like pagefile , that can not be defragmented while the OS is in use , for that this software have the "boot time defrag" feature , it is in settings/boot time defrag.
If boot time defrag fails there is another method to defrag the pagefile , just make "disable" the virtual memory , restart your pc , then set the proper virtual memory size.

Firewall and antivirus :
I used lots on firewalls and antivirus and i can recommend just a few.
Kaspersky (antivirus and firewall) is pretty good but consume some resources , so dont use it if you have old pc.
For old pc use Eset smart security , its a antivirus and firewall , very light software.
Kaspersky and eset comes with gamer option , that means when pc go to a game the updates and scanning will stop.
I highly recommend the firewall Online Armor Premium.
To check your connection security go here : https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 click proceed and test your pc.
Other good antivirus is malwarebytes (free edition)
Most of good stuffs are not free , but you can find full/cracked copys over the inet.

Processxp :
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysi ... 96653.aspx
This is a pretty good tool that allow pc users to check every shit is running in your computer (a lot better than microshit task manager).
There you can see every program is running in your pc in real time , also you can see the paths where any file is located (good to find malwares).
Just download it , extract it in some folder that u wont move , then double click "procexp.exe" , accept , go to options and "replace task manager".

Update drivers :
Is easy to find your videocard drivers just going to nvidia or ati website , but what about get the last usb
Just go to here : http://www.touslesdrivers.com (french language but easy to use) , in there go to "Mes Drivers" , in the bottom click "Lancer la détection" , then check you OS and a file will download.
I used many times so don't worry about virus , also you can uninstall it after download the proper drivers.
Open the downloaded file , click "ok" and it'll install a feature that will scan your hardware and help you to get the drivers for your exactly hardware.
Go to http://www.touslesdrivers.com/index.php?v_page=31 and select your operative system and click on "Valider" button.
Now the web will show all the driver that need to be updated in text with "blue" color.
Just click on that text and go down and click on hard disk picture to download the driver , then just install it.
For graphic card is a little bit harder , because no matter you uninstall the old driver , always some files remains.
For a complete graphic driver uninstall do the next steps :
Download "driver sweeper" from here http://phyxion.net/Driver-Sweeper/Drive ... sion-3-2-0 , install it and leave a shortcut in desktop.
Uninstall your old driver with windows uninstaller , then restart your computer in safe mode.
Usually hitting F8 key during bios start take you to safe mode start option , in case you can not figure out how to do this , go to start/run and type msconfig.
In the "Boot" tab check where says "safe boot" , restart your computer and automatically you will get on safe mode.
In safe mode open "driver sweeper" and check the box of your Graphic card brand , should be "Ati display" or "nvidia display" , then hit "analyze" button , this software will search all files and registry entrys of your al driver , when search ends , hit "clean" button.
After that you can restart in normal mode and install new driver.

Disable some useless windows services :
Go to start/run and type services.msc
There you can right click the service/properties and change it to automatic/manual/disable.
To know witch service can be disable and don't get any error check this website http://www.blackviper.com/service-confi ... gurations/
Use the "safe" column.
I know there is a way to do profiles , so you can switch from normal services to tweaked or changed services.

Dual o quad core detection :
Windows does not recognize if you have more than one core in your processor , to make it works go to start/run and type msconfig
In "boot" tab click "advanced option" button and check on "number of processors" and select the number of cores you have.

Network registry tweaks :
This tweaks are to get better performance of your network.
Go to start/run and type regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters
In the right side change the next things :
DefaultTTL = "80" hex (or 128 decimal)
EnablePMTUBHDetect = "0"
EnablePMTUDiscovery = "1"
GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = "7FFF" hex (or 32767 decimal)
TcpMaxDupAcks = "2"
SackOpts = "1"
Tcp1323Opts = "1"
TcpWindowSize = "7FFF" hex (or 32767 decimal)

Disable unneeded startup programs :
Go to start/run and type msconfig , go to "startup" tab and uncheck all the shit you don't need to load in the windows start , don't disable your antivirus , firewall , audio driver , video driver and microsoft manufacturer.

Optimize day of defeat :
Open steam , right click on day of defeat/properties/set launch options , any type the option for your game :
"-heapsize" means how much you want the game use of your memory ram.
Examples :
-heapsize 524288 (PC's with 1GB of RAM)
-heapsize 1048576 (PC's with 2GB of RAM)

-nosync , to force the disable of vertical sync.

-freq X , X is the number that your monitor can handle in refresh.
To figure out and set the best refresh frequency for your monitor go to your desktop/right click/screen resolution , there go to "advanced settings" and "monitor" tab.
There "check" the box that says "hide modes that this monitor cannot display" (this is important) , now move to maximum value , mine is 60 so for me it'll be : -freq 60

Force screen resolution :
-w 1024 -h 768 (for 1024x768 display resolution)
-w 1280 -h 1024 (for 1280x1024 display resolution)

-noforcemaccel -noforcemparm -noforcemspeed (those are to disable Windows mouse acceleration).

So in my case the shit inside "launch options" is :
-heapsize 4194304 -nosync -gl -freq 60 -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -w 1920 -h1080
Check your hardware and change it to your proper values.

Dod a game with dark maps or at least every map have dark spots , to see everything clear you can use programs like powerstrip or even change your graphic card option and gain some gamma , i used to do those changes but since i get my LED monitor im able so see dark places and recognize if there is someone hiding.
There is a few console commands that will help in your gameplay (i think all of you know them) :
cl_particlefx "0" (to disable smoke , rain and shits).
cl_bulletejects "0" (no bullets comin out of your gun , no just for better visual , this increase fps).
cl_corpsestay "1" (time of death bodys stay visible).
cl_dynamic_xhair "0" (make crosshair static).
hud_fastswitch "1" (fast switching of guns).
_ah "0" (disable the help text)
cl_dynamiclights "1" (enable light comin from gun , usefull to wallshots)
cl_weatherdis "0" (disable map effect to see clear)
fps_max "100" (rifle or sniper)
fps_max "90" (heavy or light)

Save you config.cfg and make "for read only".

I think this is not hard to understand (maybe my spaninghish) , but if someone have problem just send me a message.
Last edited by Xtreme on Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Xtreme tweaks

Post by sloth »

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Re: Xtreme tweaks

Post by Charles »

Some good info
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Re: Xtreme tweaks

Post by Mitz »

I'd +rep for the liberal use of "shits", but I don't post enough to give it. Thanks for the info, always good to get a reminder on some of that stuff.
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Re: Xtreme tweaks

Post by seanality »

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Re: Xtreme tweaks

Post by Rambizzle »

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Re: Xtreme tweaks

Post by acetamino »

hey i wanted to use some of this stuff repost please
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Re: Xtreme tweaks

Post by seanality »

we weren't complaining so please put your post back up, I know I personally found it useful.

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Re: Xtreme tweaks

Post by Daeo »

Im pretty good with a computer, but i had no idea that when booting up it didn't use multiple cores. Thanks for that insight, please repost i'd like to tweak around some more.
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Re: Xtreme tweaks

Post by Rambizzle »

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