Chaz wrote:Sp|dEr wrote:He saw that they had bad rates upon reviewing the demo, it is not any teams job to determine if and when they were changed, one can only go by the evidence in which they currently have. They reacted just as anyone would have if they found out someone had, what seems to them, improper rates in a Finals match. If the rates were disputed, it is then up to TPG admins to determine if there was an improper rating situation.
Either way it was a great match just like the other finals matches this season.
Guess we should have disputed this then huh Spider considering it was a loss for us?
Oh by the way though, nfoservers have this awesome option that makes all of this kind of pointless.
You should have, yes, and if you did not, then you did not, simple as that. It is everyone's responsibility to make sure their rates are correct, it is an easy thing, and I personally make sure my rates are correct each and every match (because I am paranoid like that). If a member of my team did not have proper rates they have to take personal responsibility and take the suspension, and then it is my responsibility as leader to take whatever TPG has for us as a team.If I notice that the rates are incorrect prior to a match, on either our team or the opposing, I will definitely say something, and the likely-hood of submitting a ticket because of rates in a regular season match are EXTREMELY slim, especially since 1 person having a low rate will usually NOT have an effect on the outcome.
Disregarding my personal feelings of the matter though, this is a situation between you and BIO in the finals match, and thus carries with it a much higher level of stress and competitiveness.