Why did we stop using Rate Enforcer?

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Why did we stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by Sp3c-BuLLeT »

CAL and TPG used to require a server add-on called rate enforcer back in the day. Then they both stopped requiring it. I thought the reason was it simply lagged servers. Does anyone have any other insight into this server add-on and why leagues stopped using it other than "it lagged servers"? If it was simply that does anyone know why it lagged server? Did it require use of AMX Mod or use of Meta Mod or neither? Does anyone have a download link?

Some of the TPG admins and myself have been discussing a CVAR enforcer server add-on, but I don't want to get too far into developing it if we are just going to abandon it shortly after implementing it. A CVAR enforcer is probably the most frequent request I get from the community, so I figure I should at least look into it.

Also, speaking of server add-ons the TPG Roster Check server add-on is in the final phases and will be released for public beta testing soon. I would like to thank Fysiks for all of his help on developing this server add-on.
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Re: Why did CAL and TPG stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by cassinoroyale »

I don't know why TPG ane CAL stopped using the rate enforcer tool but from my experience running leagues down here, no matter how good is your server, by adding add-ons, amd mods or any other third party modification in your server, it insta **** with the server registry, makes the game way choppy, eventually becaminf unplayable due to high loss/choke. Even then, we used to use a combination of the dodguard plugin + rate enforcer and though cheaters and raters disappeared/got banned over time the general experience of playing changed a lot due to how laggy the servers ended up being. Dodguard failed in having general acceptance as well because the random screenshots were stored in the users computer, making the game freeze often or even crash sometimes. In my opinion, I'd rather try focus on finding an anti cheat client that does config checks, takes snapshots and verify game files different than default. So far, the only anti cheats I found where CleanDoD, Easy Anti Cjeat (EAC) and the ESL anti cheat. The first two have minor problems on regards to inatallation in some computers/os's. The last one is the best by far but it kinda exclusive so... Or else, develop a similar tool from scratch lmao. May the raters and cheaters **** burn and they fingers get cutted out from their hands :D
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Re: Why did CAL and TPG stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by james- »

people also complained about the cevo anti-cheat client because it took a random ss during the game which would lag a user for a fraction of a second...

people just like having something to blame their deaths on, even when the impact is minimal.
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Re: Why did CAL and TPG stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by ward »

cassinoroyale wrote:I don't know why TPG ane CAL stopped using the rate enforcer tool but from my experience running leagues down here, no matter how good is your server, by adding add-ons, amd mods or any other third party modification in your server, it insta **** with the server registry, makes the game way choppy, eventually becaminf unplayable due to high loss/choke. Even then, we used to use a combination of the dodguard plugin + rate enforcer and though cheaters and raters disappeared/got banned over time the general experience of playing changed a lot due to how laggy the servers ended up being. Dodguard failed in having general acceptance as well because the random screenshots were stored in the users computer, making the game freeze often or even crash sometimes. In my opinion, I'd rather try focus on finding an anti cheat client that does config checks, takes snapshots and verify game files different than default. So far, the only anti cheats I found where CleanDoD, Easy Anti Cjeat (EAC) and the ESL anti cheat. The first two have minor problems on regards to inatallation in some computers/os's. The last one is the best by far but it kinda exclusive so... Or else, develop a similar tool from scratch lmao. May the raters and cheaters **** burn and they fingers get cutted out from their hands :D
Someone with a high ping expressing discontent at the possible reinstatement of the rate enforcer? WHO DA THUNK
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Re: Why did CAL and TPG stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by wonderbread »

had a rate enforcer on my server years ago think it was V2 rate enforcer worked really well 0 problems.it ran smooth no lag at all.
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Re: Why did CAL and TPG stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by wonderbread »

just googled it cant believe its still there http://v2gameservers.com/v2anticheat.html
hope this help some
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Re: Why did CAL and TPG stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by cassinoroyale »

I beg your pardon Ward but in what part of my text I disagree with a possible return of server plugins? I just informed that WHEN I used to run leagues, these plugins caused server lags. That's all. Maybe our servers where **** and couldn't hold the necessary band/processes to run smooth. I always have tried to bring the an anti cheat tool to the discussion table and never had any problem with rates ever before (outside Jason's complaints in 12mans :lol:) so please don't take me as someone who is trying to dodge legit plugins just because I have high ping. It's quite the opposite because although people may think, playing with high ping + legit rates doesn't give me any advantage at all.
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Re: Why did CAL and TPG stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by scorch- »

cassinoroyale wrote:I beg your pardon Ward but in what part of my text I disagree with a possible return of server plugins? I just informed that WHEN I used to run leagues, these plugins caused server lags. That's all. Maybe our servers where **** and couldn't hold the necessary band/processes to run smooth. I always have tried to bring the an anti cheat tool to the discussion table and never had any problem with rates ever before (outside Jason's complaints in 12mans :lol:) so please don't take me as someone who is trying to dodge legit plugins just because I have high ping. It's quite the opposite because although people may think, playing with high ping + legit rates doesn't give me any advantage at all.
Stop playing dod already
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Re: Why did CAL and TPG stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by cassinoroyale »

Hahaha Dan. The day is coming, sooner than I expected ;)
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Re: Why did CAL and TPG stop using Rate Enforcer?

Post by Swiss »

thats what ryan said
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