nugz` wrote:now can you move on to the real kids who cheat everyday and don't get banned for some reason?
ryanemo - toggles
jigsaw - toggles
jarrod - (cheats in scrims)
ronin (cheats in scrims)
vrtx (cheats in scrims) - 3 vac banned accounts will tell you the same.
dev - (cheats in scrims)
d-bo - cheats in every scrim/12man
ceebz - you have 400 demos of him from the last 2 seasons of tpg and you let him walk everytime, he laughs at you and runs children over in his ford ranger.
narc - because he's a **** and he steam calls me 24/7
DROPPIN BOMBS - How come we dont have fun like you guys used to, so sad i missed out on all this.