League players

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Re: League players

Post by gaulz »

its okay jason i forgive you
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Re: League players

Post by knockout »

Sp3c-BuLLeT wrote:
tenks wrote:
Sp3c-BuLLeT wrote:If anyone is ever interested in starting their own league for a game you are welcome to use the TPG website. The site is setup to be able to host a variety of games although DOD and DOD Source are the only ones that ever really managed to have more than one season.

When dota 2 was out for about 6-7 months Narc made a spot for a Dota 2 league but no one signed up. :?
He made a league, but I do not believe it was ever advertised or marketed. There wasn't even an announcement in the news feed of the league itself. I know he wanted to get a DOTA2 league started, but not knowing much about the game himself I think he was hoping to find an admin to run the league before they started looking for teams to play in it.
That's probably because narc is retarded.
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