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Re: ATTN: 151 BROS

Post by wintehs »

alex kirk wrote:Buying more guns increases circulation, too. If your hands are cold, it's probably because you're a pacifist **** who doesn't like the second amendment, owns a single digit number of guns or less, and therefore hates America. If so, get the hell out of my country you piece of shit.

Wait, how did we get here?
I honestly have no clue
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Re: ATTN: 151 BROS

Post by defiance »

moosh wrote:Not sure why every team we play the same guy that is their worst player the first half suddenly becomes Jesus second half. GG d7 even though you toggled on 2nd half, refused to let us pick sides even though it was your server, told us to stop wasting time while your 6th was afk, and scrimmed until after the match was supposed to start. And somehow were always the assholes, ****.
Not picking on you, but i've seen this mis-information before and going to use this to clear it up. Away team always gets to pick sides no matter which server is used. its in the rules folks!
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Re: ATTN: 151 BROS

Post by Gorillabc »

defiance wrote:
moosh wrote:Not sure why every team we play the same guy that is their worst player the first half suddenly becomes Jesus second half. GG d7 even though you toggled on 2nd half, refused to let us pick sides even though it was your server, told us to stop wasting time while your 6th was afk, and scrimmed until after the match was supposed to start. And somehow were always the assholes, ****.
Not picking on you, but i've seen this mis-information before and going to use this to clear it up. Away team always gets to pick sides no matter which server is used. its in the rules folks!
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