Another 1 Down?

Relax, lounge around, and find out who hacks.
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by CharlieGiteau »

Sears wrote:So, couldn't be happier with how this thread is unfolding given that I've made it near impossible to say Voldemort's name.

P.S. Voldemort has threatened to sue 1911 over this thread.
Lol, sue. Its the idiot American way. I hope he wasn't serious in saying that...
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by Las1K64` »

Sears wrote:So, couldn't be happier with how this thread is unfolding given that I've made it near impossible to say Voldemort's name.

P.S. Voldemort has threatened to sue 1911 over this thread.
What on earth does he think he can sue for? Libel? Not a chance in the world he would win that case even if he found a lawyer to take the case and a judge that would even hear him. Overcoming those two obsticles would take a ridiculous amount of time and effort and DoD players pride themselves on just how little effort they put forth.
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by CraftyDus »

Sears wrote: P.S. Voldemort has threatened to sue 1911 over this thread.
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by HYFR#yolo »

Who cheats in dod anyways?

oh, right.

Ps. Hi milo!
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by Theworst »

Also, stile cheats. HE TOLD ME.
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by ward »

CraftyDus wrote:Posting demos of when he pubs
to prove he doesn't cheat

It's funny how he waits until get gets caught to start recording demos. Probably because he's afraid he'll get banned from GSR and have to sit in his nerdcave alone with no one to accuse of cheating or rating. Oh the irony.
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by squatta_leader »

ward wrote:"I have NEVER used any cheat/hack/etc of any kind in my 10+ years of playing DoD. The only cheating of any kinds I have done in any sort of gaming is maphack in Diablo II (which was standard for anyone playing that game during that time), Game Gennie for NES, various known cheat codes for N64, and cheat codes for Sim City (PORNTIPSGIZZARDO).

I am a former TPG admin and TPG Executive, and while there have been and are people in the competitive and pub community that do not like me, they know that I am one that goes by the book, don't bullshit around, and that I have no tolerance for cheating."
What's sad is that this is technically "true". The "TPG Executive" part, that is. But, there is a lot of back story...

Grab some popcorn...

To be fair, I don't think Voldemort is a bad person, but in end, you reap what you sow, and he's certainly the most socially inept individual I've ever encountered, online or otherwise.

He was by far the most maligned greasy troll of 1911 in beta days. He was constantly spamming both the forums and #1911 about his incredibly shitty pub clan, totally ignorant to the reality that he and his team were both terrible, and that no one enjoyed even interacting with him. I always assumed that he had some form of learning or social disability. Imagine someone behaving like Dustin Young, but on accident, just because he was that stupid, and then genuinely being a constant ball of nerd-rage because people didn't want to be e-pals with him and anoint him king of the DoD community.

Post-beta and 1911 days, Voldemort eventually sucked his way up into becoming a TPG admin, because lets face it, TPG was founded by and forever will be associated with the socially inept, "geeky", and "pubclan" sect of the DoD community. By 2006, Snipper (the head of TPG, and huge nerd/pubber) had promoted Voldemort to head of TPG DoD (MISTAKE!).

Like I said, Voldemort has always been a bit of sociopath, and he's always relentlessly sought validation from the DoD community as a Leader/Organizer. So, I wasn't surprised at the end of 2005, when CAL|Kitto asked me to try and salvage CAL-DoD, that he would become a major thorn in my side. Voldemort wanted to be a CAL admin so badly, that he had submitted an application to be an admin over 100 times by the time I left CAL. Each time that he was rejected he became more and more angry, and since he was the TPG admin at the time, he made it a TPG vs. CAL vendetta, which only got worse when the #scrim_dod nerds got involved.

In November and December of 2006, the DoD community was hemorrhaging players post WSVG, especially with the news that DoD wouldn't get a Winter CPL spot, and the community was split between the few good players that were sticking around, but not actively playing, and the scrubby nerds who felt it was their turn to shine in the DoD limelight (#scrim_dod). It was an incredibly difficult situation to come into to try and salvage the league, and it was made 1000x more difficult by Voldemort, as he was constantly spamming CAL with Quality Control complaints about me and fellow admins EVERY DAY, and demanding that he be allowed to take over the league. This only got worse after the SSSX vs HSB scandal, which to this day I'm unsure as to how it ever involved me, but technically got me "fired".

In the end, when he raised enough hell, he inadvertently brought the attention of CAL ops admins to just how bad the state of affairs was in the DoD league, with all of the forfeits and empty rosters. They told me to shut it down.

Basically, Voldemort single-handling killed DoD in 2006.

In the aftermath of all of this, I was able to communicate with Snipper (the head of TPG) what had been going on behind the scenes, and Voldemort was removed as the TPG DoD admin, and replaced by no other than Nicholas "e`man" Koehler, whom we all know and love. As a way to not hurt Voldemort's feelings too badly, Snipper created an "executive" position for Voldemort to get promoted to. This position did nothing, and had zero responsibility or authority over anything. It took a few weeks for him to figure this out before quietly "retiring". Snipper also "hired" me to be a TPG operations admin. Like, he literally wanted to pay me to upgrade TPG to a CAL like league, but not long after I fake-died and left the internet for quite some time.

The rest, as they say, is history.
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by scorch- »

Sears wrote:
ward wrote:"I have NEVER used any cheat/hack/etc of any kind in my 10+ years of playing DoD. The only cheating of any kinds I have done in any sort of gaming is maphack in Diablo II (which was standard for anyone playing that game during that time), Game Gennie for NES, various known cheat codes for N64, and cheat codes for Sim City (PORNTIPSGIZZARDO).

I am a former TPG admin and TPG Executive, and while there have been and are people in the competitive and pub community that do not like me, they know that I am one that goes by the book, don't bullshit around, and that I have no tolerance for cheating."
What's sad is that this is technically "true". The "TPG Executive" part, that is. But, there is a lot of back story...

Grab some popcorn...

To be fair, I don't think Voldemort is a bad person, but in end, you reap what you sow, and he's certainly the most socially inept individual I've ever encountered, online or otherwise.

He was by far the most maligned greasy troll of 1911 in beta days. He was constantly spamming both the forums and #1911 about his incredibly shitty pub clan, totally ignorant to the reality that he and his team were both terrible, and that no one enjoyed even interacting with him. I always assumed that he had some form of learning or social disability. Imagine someone behaving like Dustin Young, but on accident, just because he was that stupid, and then genuinely being a constant ball of nerd-rage because people didn't want to be e-pals with him and anoint him king of the DoD community.

Post-beta and 1911 days, Voldemort eventually sucked his way up into becoming a TPG admin, because lets face it, TPG was founded by and forever will be associated with the socially inept, "geeky", and "pubclan" sect of the DoD community. By 2006, Snipper (the head of TPG, and huge nerd/pubber) had promoted Voldemort to head of TPG DoD (MISTAKE!).

Like I said, Voldemort has always been a bit of sociopath, and he's always relentlessly sought validation from the DoD community as a Leader/Organizer. So, I wasn't surprised at the end of 2005, when CAL|Kitto asked me to try and salvage CAL-DoD, that he would become a major thorn in my side. Voldemort wanted to be a CAL admin so badly, that he had submitted an application to be an admin over 100 times by the time I left CAL. Each time that he was rejected he became more and more angry, and since he was the TPG admin at the time, he made it a TPG vs. CAL vendetta, which only got worse when the #scrim_dod nerds got involved.

In November and December of 2006, the DoD community was hemorrhaging players post WSVG, especially with the news that DoD wouldn't get a Winter CPL spot, and the community was split between the few good players that were sticking around, but not actively playing, and the scrubby nerds who felt it was their turn to shine in the DoD limelight (#scrim_dod). It was an incredibly difficult situation to come into to try and salvage the league, and it was made 1000x more difficult by Voldemort, as he was constantly spamming CAL with Quality Control complaints about me and fellow admins EVERY DAY, and demanding that he be allowed to take over the league. This only got worse after the SSSX vs HSB scandal, which to this day I'm unsure as to how it ever involved me, but technically got me "fired".

In the end, when he raised enough hell, he inadvertently brought the attention of CAL ops admins to just how bad the state of affairs was in the DoD league, with all of the forfeits and empty rosters. They told me to shut it down.

Basically, Voldemort single-handling killed DoD in 2006.

In the aftermath of all of this, I was able to communicate with Snipper (the head of TPG) what had been going on behind the scenes, and Voldemort was removed as the TPG DoD admin, and replaced by no other than Nicholas "e`man" Koehler, whom we all know and love. As a way to not hurt Voldemort's feelings too badly, Snipper created an "executive" position for Voldemort to get promoted to. This position did nothing, and had zero responsibility or authority over anything. It took a few weeks for him to figure this out before quietly "retiring". Snipper also "hired" me to be a TPG operations admin. Like, he literally wanted to pay me to upgrade TPG to a CAL like league, but not long after I fake-died and left the internet for quite some time.

The rest, as they say, is history.
It's almost like you were cryogenically frozen in 2006 and revived now to tell this story. The level of detail was incredible and your near-photographic recall of events is to be commended. Thank you for taking the time, I wasn't around while this was happening ~~~~<3
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by akiro »

Well i guess we jist have to pray his family dies.
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Re: Another 1 Down?

Post by ward »

scorch- wrote:
Sears wrote:
ward wrote:"I have NEVER used any cheat/hack/etc of any kind in my 10+ years of playing DoD. The only cheating of any kinds I have done in any sort of gaming is maphack in Diablo II (which was standard for anyone playing that game during that time), Game Gennie for NES, various known cheat codes for N64, and cheat codes for Sim City (PORNTIPSGIZZARDO).

I am a former TPG admin and TPG Executive, and while there have been and are people in the competitive and pub community that do not like me, they know that I am one that goes by the book, don't bullshit around, and that I have no tolerance for cheating."
What's sad is that this is technically "true". The "TPG Executive" part, that is. But, there is a lot of back story...

Grab some popcorn...

To be fair, I don't think Voldemort is a bad person, but in end, you reap what you sow, and he's certainly the most socially inept individual I've ever encountered, online or otherwise.

He was by far the most maligned greasy troll of 1911 in beta days. He was constantly spamming both the forums and #1911 about his incredibly shitty pub clan, totally ignorant to the reality that he and his team were both terrible, and that no one enjoyed even interacting with him. I always assumed that he had some form of learning or social disability. Imagine someone behaving like Dustin Young, but on accident, just because he was that stupid, and then genuinely being a constant ball of nerd-rage because people didn't want to be e-pals with him and anoint him king of the DoD community.

Post-beta and 1911 days, Voldemort eventually sucked his way up into becoming a TPG admin, because lets face it, TPG was founded by and forever will be associated with the socially inept, "geeky", and "pubclan" sect of the DoD community. By 2006, Snipper (the head of TPG, and huge nerd/pubber) had promoted Voldemort to head of TPG DoD (MISTAKE!).

Like I said, Voldemort has always been a bit of sociopath, and he's always relentlessly sought validation from the DoD community as a Leader/Organizer. So, I wasn't surprised at the end of 2005, when CAL|Kitto asked me to try and salvage CAL-DoD, that he would become a major thorn in my side. Voldemort wanted to be a CAL admin so badly, that he had submitted an application to be an admin over 100 times by the time I left CAL. Each time that he was rejected he became more and more angry, and since he was the TPG admin at the time, he made it a TPG vs. CAL vendetta, which only got worse when the #scrim_dod nerds got involved.

In November and December of 2006, the DoD community was hemorrhaging players post WSVG, especially with the news that DoD wouldn't get a Winter CPL spot, and the community was split between the few good players that were sticking around, but not actively playing, and the scrubby nerds who felt it was their turn to shine in the DoD limelight (#scrim_dod). It was an incredibly difficult situation to come into to try and salvage the league, and it was made 1000x more difficult by Voldemort, as he was constantly spamming CAL with Quality Control complaints about me and fellow admins EVERY DAY, and demanding that he be allowed to take over the league. This only got worse after the SSSX vs HSB scandal, which to this day I'm unsure as to how it ever involved me, but technically got me "fired".

In the end, when he raised enough hell, he inadvertently brought the attention of CAL ops admins to just how bad the state of affairs was in the DoD league, with all of the forfeits and empty rosters. They told me to shut it down.

Basically, Voldemort single-handling killed DoD in 2006.

In the aftermath of all of this, I was able to communicate with Snipper (the head of TPG) what had been going on behind the scenes, and Voldemort was removed as the TPG DoD admin, and replaced by no other than Nicholas "e`man" Koehler, whom we all know and love. As a way to not hurt Voldemort's feelings too badly, Snipper created an "executive" position for Voldemort to get promoted to. This position did nothing, and had zero responsibility or authority over anything. It took a few weeks for him to figure this out before quietly "retiring". Snipper also "hired" me to be a TPG operations admin. Like, he literally wanted to pay me to upgrade TPG to a CAL like league, but not long after I fake-died and left the internet for quite some time.

The rest, as they say, is history.
It's almost like you were cryogenically frozen in 2006 and revived now to tell this story. The level of detail was incredible and your near-photographic recall of events is to be commended. Thank you for taking the time, I wasn't around while this was happening ~~~~<3
Agreed. +love points to Sears.
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