Another One Down..

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Another One Down..

Post by showtime »


Handle: ryan
Team: Five And A Half Men
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:6212650, STEAM_0:1:14201333, STEAM_0:1:543792
Start Date: Feb 19 2013
End Date: Feb 19 2014
Rule Violation: 7.7
Reason: Cheating Outside of TPG
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by milo »

ryanemo wrote:he should have attended the weekly gskill bootcamps that specialized in hiding your esp just enough to seem really good with a hint of wtf
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by nomis »

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by devin »

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by quickscope »

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by taylor »

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by JaGGoNdd »

This is an unfortunate loss for us, obviously as his brother I have my own perspective on him that most people don't so I'll just say that realistically Ryan has much more important things to be worried about anymore and is going to be getting out of Buffalo and heading to New York City to attend school there very soon, along with him being on the verge of getting a role as the host of a new Pilot on the Bravo network, so him having something like an online video game to distract him from putting forth the utmost effort when it comes to this things is unnecessary for him and I think this is honestly a good thing for him as far as his goals and aspirations go. But anyways, without a doubt Ryan was one of the best LAN heavies the game ever saw but that doesn't excuse the cheating in scrims and 12mans. I know the first instinct for people when they catch wind of this will be to chalk this up to him having cheated at all times even in matches, but as someone who played with him for 6 years online and on lan, watched every demo he's recorded in that time, and have had candid conversations with him, I can assure you guys this was something strictly relegated to 12mans and the occasional scrim against people who generally were very sketchy or were having the scrim of their lives haha but regardless it is completely inexcusable. As a team we're gonna just stick this one out and move Pat into a starting role now. We now have an opening in our 7th man slot so we'll have to fill that in. Many people feel this was long overdue and it very well may have been, it's obviously a bummer to lose a player that was a staple of our team for a long time but if you take the risk of cheating like that, you know the consequences and it's only a matter of time before it catches up to you.

Let this be a warning to some of you out there who are pretty lax with your cheating in 12mans and scrims. It's very evident to the AC team when a player is dropping 80 kills per 12man and playing completely careless and impossible to surprise ever, then not breaking 25 per half ever in matches and hiding in corners/baiting/whatever else just to even get those kills. Stop cheating, it's a video game and it's meant to be competitive! From a completely objective point of view this is the kind of thing that a small community like this absolutely doesn't need to have happening to our invite division so people like Ryan and others (hobbler ^_- <3) who think its a good idea to cheat just because they're getting killed a bunch in non match situations....just don't do it. Suck it up, play legit, and don't take the risk of killing off this game anymore than it already is. I've been very impressed with how this game has continued to hang on for dear life and seemingly even grow a bit over the last couple of seasons and I wanna see that keep happening! so everyone let this be a cautionary tale that no one is invincible or untouchable, no one is perfect at hiding their cheating and eventually you will get caught, friends. TPG has a solid group of admins in place and they've been doing their jobs with a very high level of efficiency when it comes to stuff like this so it's not even worth the risk.
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by mogers »

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by avenger »

mogers wrote:Well.
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by Johndkc »

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Last edited by Johndkc on Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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