Another One Down..

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by tr4gik »

pepe probably has a helmet on pubbin dod avalanche atm.
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by ward »

tr4gik wrote:pepe probably has a helmet on pubbin dod avalanche atm.
Like this?:


....nostalgia BITCH
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by joeledmunds »

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by Jakimo »

Odin_AEsir wrote:I am not calling anyone out but calling someone no legs is pretty pathetic, grow up regardless of this or that no need to stoop that low. Neg rep me all you want...
i stopped following this thread but i agree with this statement. i just saw a pic of jgn, hes a sexy dude. probably sexier than most of the dod idiots in this community. plus rep bitch.

also pastorius the blade runner who just killed his gf in the bathroom, also legless and sexy.

damn whats with legless peeps and being gud looking. almost the same as us gingers :mrgreen:
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by rehpyc »

no legs and a face like tox? he would be ****.

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by stin »

Mr. Marko:
Read it again. I said they are considered TWO of the best in the world, NOT THE BEST. THey've proven their legitamcy over and over at LANS and on line.
And as another FYI a LARGE portion of our DoD and other gamer are EURO players so that has nothing to do with Anything at all. The reason that I bring up the K/D is that while it has happend a few times, and usually in a LAN tournement against an equaly skilled team, or on a custom map, One person killing him that many times and only dying once is unusual all by itself.
And Alot of players WHO DO cheat would love to be able get him banned because he is that good. You failed to mention WeeEE or Miller another two players who are ALSO considered in the top echelon of Euro and North American players. I've watched both Ryan and Corey play and get called out for cheats, like noscoping a snap shot across the bridge on CR-42 or assaulting with a scoped KAR like it was a regular KAR so you don't want to make allegations that you can't back up When I know the truth of that. And TPG has Zilch to do with weather someone is banned here. Ryan played on Tiger with you as you said.
I don't care what level you have played at, I may be older and slower now but I've spent allot of years learning what scripts, aimbots, ESP and everyother cheat thats out there. You looked exactly like you were using ESP. As policy we have never given out nor made public any demos, unless someone really gets under our skin in abad way. You really shouldn't ask for something you will have no explanations for. Sound and familiarity with maps...especially those played in league can make an average player look very good.
Hiding places are obvious, as is prefireing certain corners and blind spots. If I were to get up a bit of ambition, I can turn that Demo into a Fraps movie without walls so EVERYONE can see what you were doing.

When I say that sound has NO explanation for a whole lot of the stuff I saw, you can believe it. I don't make accusations lightly. As to you havinh the demo, How is that possible unless the Admin that banned you handed it over. You may be talented, but that dosn't give you xray vision so you can see through walls or in this case most likely player boxes. No matter how many Euro cups and Tourneys you've played in, it still dosn't change that one simple fact.

Lets see... on Tiger one of the first things that showed you weren't being as careful as you should have, there was a player behind sand bags that you may or may not have seen go there. Instead of waiting for him to pop up, you locked onto the side that he was crawling towards and immediatly shot him without having to move your gun at all. Nothing about that is logical for ANY type of a player.

Skilled or not, You couldn't hear him crawl and you should not have had any idea he was even moving, let alone that he was crawling to that side. You locked on, way before he got there and prefired his head. Thats just one example on Tiger.
You were even more blatant on Harrington, again another higly used LEAGUE map so a good league player knows which corners to blind shoot at, what buildings you can throw nades over, and wear most people put up their tents. Here's an example from there that skill can't account for. There were situations were sound can be attributed to allot, I can't give you that though on this one.
Allies left side spawn, you trained your gun on the left side of the left spawn hill as a player slowly crawled up and the second the top of his head ..the VERY top, you were shooting his toupee off YOU COULD NOT HAVE HEAR HIM, he crawled all the way from the bottom. You then immediatly trained your gun to the of allies Right side spawn and locked onto the tunnel wall closet to the right side spawn. There was a player crouching there but you couldn't have heard him nor seen him run there as you had just followed then shot the player on the left side. It looked as though you knew you were safe as there were no other allies spawning yet and none in the immediate area other than the one that you could see hiding behind the wall. Amd you sat there waiting for a good amount of time. The second he moved, you moved your gun with him and prefired his ass. You can try and explain those away all you want, but you won't be able to, and being a high end player isn't the explanation for that.

And yes.. We can drop names all day long, I was playing this game when you didn't have facial hair yet so I've played with everyone from the original Kellen who recently actually started playing abit again, to Bewton to Image and Spartan and all the boys from the Original bunch of CAL-I top players and a bunch in between. My point is if you want a pissing contest, you already lost. You DONT get the demo, its not our policy and we will not set a precedent for every person that we catch cheating and wants to explain themselves, and there are allot fewer fewer people trying to cheat here now btw. at least you didn't say your brothers friend used your computer.

I normally don't bother explaining WHY someone was banned with examples like I just did. I won't do it again either. When you first came on you were at leas polite, now you just called out my kid and frankly I find that annoying and a bit whiney which is the last nail in your coffin. Now I'm not happy.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Marko family <3

Nice job elements * Alex!
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by Rambizzle »

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by CharlieGiteau »

Mr. Marko, open mouth, insert foot. Good find.
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