rehpyc wrote:dropping bombs doesn't necessarily mean you are a smart player. i had always thought of you as someone that just ran around for kills, which you were good at, rather than play smart for the good of your team. perhaps that's part of why none of the top teams ever wanted you, despite knowing you were a strong fragger.
Jb_ wrote:You really think I care about the prize money? If I go I will probably end up on a tpg main team there to have fun. That's the whole reason I said what I did. This lan to me isn't about the money but about the memories. That's why I believe people would actually act right and stop blatently cheating if they had any REAL thought of attending this lan. Believe me I understand how small the community is, I only played 3 matches this season so I myself am never around but I def show up to lan. Bottom line: cheating makes a fun game unfun and the whole point to playing is to have fun. Its not like ryan cheating was a big secret, we all know he does it from time to time. There is no excuse for it, I don't care how loaded you are.
rehpyc wrote:dropping bombs doesn't necessarily mean you are a smart player. i had always thought of you as someone that just ran around for kills, which you were good at, rather than play smart for the good of your team. perhaps that's part of why none of the top teams ever wanted you, despite knowing you were a strong fragger.
But on a real note, I never was a smart player and I scream at lans and every team I was on was terrible.
JaGGoNdd wrote:Ryan has much more important things to be worried about anymore and is going to be getting out of Buffalo and heading to New York City to attend school there very soon, along with him being on the verge of getting a role as the host of a new Pilot on the Bravo network, so him having something like an online video game to distract him from putting forth the utmost effort when it comes to this things is unnecessary for him and I think this is honestly a good thing for him as far as his goals and aspirations go.
When I'm not watching Disney Channel or Love and Hip-hop on VH1, I've got the TV on Bravo. So, naturally, I'll let you guys know when the pilot is coming out. Hopefully he'll remember to wear clothes.