Can someone please tell me...

Mostly dank memes.
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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by nunz »

Polak wrote:Can you post more snake gifs I really have no idea what this thread is about. Seriously the russian text at the end = amazing.
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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by Miller` »

mogers wrote:Image

I hope everyone +reps this. Fantastic watch, would watch again. 9/10 (no sound)
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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by ryanemo »

i stopped reading anything the minute i saw Sears' post...if i could +rep you 2,000,000 times i'd sit here doing it however long it took. **** hilarious lol
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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by bewton »

Wow that game of snake was crazy, I watched it till the end...actually made me kind of nervous. That game was so hard back in the day.
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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by MadCat »

Very enlightening post . I feel loved!
Last edited by MadCat on Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by k4b00m »

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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by Cage »

Joey wrote:
Cage wrote:
DD-aftershock wrote:
Sorry? Who are you exactly? Who said anyone is acting like an idiot :)

Never seen so much drama over nothing lol
Well obviously I was on the lineup before you guys, and yes from the impression of playing against you and various other reasons I stand by my statement.
dat xero
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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by dat xero »

Cage wrote:Well obviously I was on the lineup before you guys, and yes from the impression of playing against you and various other reasons I stand by my statement.
Well seeing as we came up with the team name on a whim in vent one day in the middle of pubbing or scrimming or something while we had the super cool name of "Flying V" (that was Ducks' idea lol -__-), then no, you've never been on Toggle ON. Maybe on Fury (to clarify what Aftershock said), which was Madcat and Ducks' team before any of the rest of us joined and became Toggle ON, but these are two different teams. So yea, I'm thankfully not associated with you in any way.

We've played in scrims where we started getting neg'd to shit for no reason by guys who care only about fragging and none of us go crying in a forum about it. If anyone from my team has neg'd anyone it's all in good fun (and Ducks just has it on autopilot and never does it hold any sort of significance lol). Does a bound in-game voice command really turn everyone into big babies? All I hear from anyone in here is "waaaahhhhhh." Sack up or go play Words with Friends. So many overly sensitive drama queens who play this game. Pretty sure there are worse things in life than stressing over a neg in DoD lol. Let me go read the Halo forums and see if every player cries on the boards when they get teabagged. I don't do it unless it's warranted because I'm too lazy to bind it to a key, so when I do do it I have to press "v" then "2" haha (essentially, doing this takes too much effort when I just want to shoot people and cap some flags and play DoD lol).

We're all good guys/gals as anyone who has rang for us, been in 12mans with us, or chilled with us in our vent can attest to. Maybe some of you have prior opinions of some of us who you know, but that's your problem. Awww you got neg'd. Get over it.

As for Grimm's accusations that he's witnessed members of our team just going around to pubs starting shit for no reason: sorry but not a single clue what you're talking about lol. Maybe you witnessed Ducks tk'ing his whole team (including other Toggle ON players who were on the same side of the pub) and then get banned by a server admin lol, but seeing as you seem so adamant to portray our players in such a negative light maybe we'll change our team name to The Hooligans just for you. Tag could be Hoolies ` ...hmm think I'm on to something.
Last edited by dat xero on Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:29 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by MadCat »

Cage wrote:
Joey wrote:
Cage wrote:
Well obviously I was on the lineup before you guys, and yes from the impression of playing against you and various other reasons I stand by my statement.

this is not the fury team nor was it ever ... This is a whole new team and has nothing to do with that team. Might want to realize that and get over it already
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Re: Can someone please tell me...

Post by Joey »

The hoolies :lol:

I do quite often say bollocks in my English accent in vent but I am not a hooligan :(
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