TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by lolinus »

Suggestion number 1:

Make the divisions bigger, remove "Invite" "main" and "open" and go back to TPG upper and lower. You don't have enough teams for 3 divisions, you have 22 teams in all 3 divisions combined, if 2 of those folds, that makes it 20 teams in total, and 20 is an uneven amount if for 3 divisions, now, expect 2 more to fold, so say you have 18 teams. 18 divided into 2 is 9, plus 2 teams that MIGHT fold. To keep the divisions even, put 8 teams in "upper" and 12 teams in "lower". It's better to move up teams, than to move down teams, "upper" should be smaller,

Suggestion number 2:

Get more admins, get a french admin, and possibly a spanish admin. Also make a guide and put on the frontpage how TPG works, don't expect people to read the rules list. And this is where the french admin comes into the picture, he/she should translate it, and post it on the french community forums, same for spanish, german, UK and additional national communities(if any).

The problem is Europe consists of various nations that does not understand English very well, hence why you need admins who speak the language.

Also invite more people to be part of the European AC team, i guess they're seperate from the NA one? I have no idea, but if so, invite more to the AC team. If not, ask defiance/tinbad to get some euro AC admins.

If you do not think it will be possible to play out this season, then ask the team captains if they'd be okay with a CUP that's close to the division format i proposed at point #1. It's better to just close shit down than to have it poorly ran for the next 5-6 weeks. But check with the team captains first, so you do not piss half of the teams up.

I think a GOOD ran cup > shitty ran season.

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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by greetz »

yeah I agree with linus , Tourni's every other week or whenever I think is an awesome idea.
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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by calli »

lolinus wrote:Suggestion number 1:

Make the divisions bigger, remove "Invite" "main" and "open" and go back to TPG upper and lower. You don't have enough teams for 3 divisions, you have 22 teams in all 3 divisions combined, if 2 of those folds, that makes it 20 teams in total, and 20 is an uneven amount if for 3 divisions, now, expect 2 more to fold, so say you have 18 teams. 18 divided into 2 is 9, plus 2 teams that MIGHT fold. To keep the divisions even, put 8 teams in "upper" and 12 teams in "lower". It's better to move up teams, than to move down teams, "upper" should be smaller,

This have been the case before. We have been around 25 teams each season, really wanted 3 divisions since there are around 4 teams that's at same level as someone just started playing DoD. And if you look at the top teams in main they are closer skillwise to invite. That gap is not good for the scene, clans dropout cause they loose games with 700p.
But the start of the last season and this one we were 10 teams in each divisions. Hallelujah I thought. But was ofc afraid that teams would drop out. Last season everything was fine, but like I know with euros, they drop out in May to eat baguettes in the sun.
Changing divisions now will lead to teams loosing their points in the stand. As soon as you move a team from one division to the other its back to square one. I've thought about it aswell. But realized lets just keep it. Since only 4 teams go to playoff anyway, it doesnt matter if 2 or 3 teams drop out late in the season. Which could be the reason aswell why they are dropping cause they realize they have no shot at playoff. But obZ dropped cause they realized they werent skilled enough for invite. Since 2 or 3 of their top players dropped aswell.

Suggestion number 2:

Get more admins, get a french admin, and possibly a spanish admin. Also make a guide and put on the frontpage how TPG works, don't expect people to read the rules list. And this is where the french admin comes into the picture, he/she should translate it, and post it on the french community forums, same for spanish, german, UK and additional national communities(if any).

The problem is Europe consists of various nations that does not understand English very well, hence why you need admins who speak the language.

Also invite more people to be part of the European AC team, i guess they're seperate from the NA one? I have no idea, but if so, invite more to the AC team. If not, ask defiance/tinbad to get some euro AC admins.

If you do not think it will be possible to play out this season, then ask the team captains if they'd be okay with a CUP that's close to the division format i proposed at point #1. It's better to just close shit down than to have it poorly ran for the next 5-6 weeks. But check with the team captains first, so you do not piss half of the teams up.

I think a GOOD ran cup > shitty ran season.

As of now we are 2 admins running the league, me and stabil. We sit down together making the schedule as soon as we find the time. I work 12-20cet each night and when you get home you have 5 incompetent players waiting for me to find war for 21cet.
John aka nhoj handle disputes regarding smaller issues like map exploites, rates etc.
Stin, is our AC admin. I've asked Nik to join the AC team but he says he hasent got time. Me, stin and Nik are the once that have chased cheaters the last years and there's not that many people out there willing to put that amount of time to watch demos. Euro scene and NA scene is different in that way. There are too many lazy pubbers in europe.
Like in the Floyd case it was me, stabil, stin and john watching his demos from the euro side, for me thats enough, but we could use Nik's experience with catching cheaters along with Stin.
John is very active and will get more responsibilities as time goes by.
Bibop from EuS recruited a lot of french teams I havent seen before and I told him he needs to sit down with them explaining stuf for them. So he did, to a certain point. I think I've actually seen a guide on france dod forums about how TPG works.

If this would have been in february, the situation we are in now wouldn't have excisted. I'm sure of that. But it's a good reminder for next year. Maybe just finish in April and have some cups in May/June.

-sF Rep- Ken
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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by -sF Rep- Ken »

It is a french conspiracy to destabilise the TPG League by teams and players faking return; in the hope of ultimately destroying it so they can rebuild their own league and allow chief cheater Floyd to play.

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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by rezi »

It's the summer killing dod, like every year.
In France, Italy and Spain we got 25 C thats why clan folds.
It has nothing to do with Floyd and the French community.

-sF Rep- Ken
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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by -sF Rep- Ken »


with a post like that are you actively trying to get me to remove you from the clan

what the **** is the italian word for sarcasm.
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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by Swiss »

rezi wrote:It's the summer killing dod, like every year.
In France, Italy and Spain we got 25 C thats why clan folds.
It has nothing to do with Floyd and the French community.

we get 37+ in texas so

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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by rezi »

alex pm me your facebook till i come back. I miss you
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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by rippeR »

we , -obZ- got removed from Invite, too. We have too less players everyday to continue.
Besides the cool weather and some work issues, TPG killed us with moving us to invite without ever invited us. We had a complete new lineup this season and would probably have failed in main division, too. Nevertheless it was a lot of fun we had here and who knows, we might come back in another season. gl hf everyone.
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Re: TPG Season 31 - Week 5 solitude_b2 (euro)

Post by nhoj »

gg Magical Nades

nTw 257 - 13 MN
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