You were rolling...until you started talking about insulin, BRUH. Individual insulin spikes = meaningless, unless you're insulin resistant or diabetic or have some sort of medical condition. All that matters is the 24-hour balance. Insulin is dose-dependent and so the number of spikes in a day is irrelevant because it all balances out according to caloric/macronutrient intake. That is, if you eat 2,400 calories then your net insulin "output" will be the same regardless of numbers of meals.sevEN wrote:Honestly, i think juicing isn't the best option. blending would be best. not only are you losing a lot of nutrients and valuble fiber in the pulp, but you are taking a straight cup of simple sugars which will obviously effect your insulin output. i would only recommend juicing every other day, or alternate between juicing and blending. also, juicing would be very beneficial if you are getting sick or are already sick, since the massive shot of vitamins and nutrients would be best taken advantage of when your body needs it most. otherwise, it is a little overkill to juice large amounts on a very regular basis.stile wrote:juice fasts are fine.
juicing is even better.
But I agree with Joey. Juicing leaves out a lot of pulp, which is often where the vitamins are. Take apples: all the vitamins are in the peel, yet juicing will take a lot of the peel out of the juice itself, and so all you're getting is sugar. Blending > juicing because you are not missing anything. Juicing is a giant waste because you miss a lot of micronutrients, and it takes a ton of food to make a single cup of juice.
3 servings kale, 3 servings spinach, 2 scoops egg white protein, 1-2 scoops Green Superfood, 3 cups orange juice. Come at me brah.Sears wrote:Kale shakes every morning brehh.
Good thing orange juice covers the taste of everything...that egg white protein by itself smells awful, but all of that tastes pretty good under the guise of orange juice.