Poizoned Down.

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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by Rob »

Well without getting any more into Theory of ACing, I'm going to exit the thread stating I don't have any clue how people are 100% certain this is cheats. I can understand suspicion, but not absolute certainty. This isn't a dustin young demo. If a demo of any number of top players now (tox, jaggon, ryanemo, austin, taylor, etc.) was sent in, WITHOUT their name on it, they would probably get banned according to this standard. Any demo of those guys playing that route on lennon will show tons of attempted wall shots, I promise you that.
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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by ryanemo »

uh, any demo taken of my brother will have attempted wall shots in it. and attempted flying no scopes. from halfway across the map. while prone. through a wall. then a 1 deag.
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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by motive »

thought he was shady sometimes

idk i didnt watch the demos yet

either way im glad i wont have to play against him and rage irl so h-bax
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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by Wint0 »

scorch- wrote:
hXc wrote:
Jb_ wrote:I will say it again. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. This whole oldschool vs the new school is getting silly. We arent all 30 taylor, im about to turn 26 in september so its not like im a whole hell of alot older then alot of you guys, I just started at a young age. Thats cool ryan I respect your opinion, however I just feel diffrent from what I saw. Is it full out blatent? no... but is it very fishy and some bullshit at times? yes...

once again, i'm not talking about you.. scorch is telling me how i was a child back when schmiggs was a ac admin.. i'm just saying that it isn't my fault that i was 10 years old when dod was released.. sorry i'm not 30 bro.
It's called being aware of your surroundings. And you're not. Hence, clueless.

Schmiggs wasn't an "AC admin," he ran the entire **** show for years. He has a lot of experience dealing with every type of person that played the game. You're accusing him of being biased because he thinks he's the shit and no new players could be better than him, when I don't think that's EVER been the case. I never got banned for cheating and he was head admin for awhile when I went from being a nobody in cal-o to being on a team of fake mexicans that like 50%+ of the community thought was a bunch of cheaters. 2/3 of our team would get disputed every match and no one got banned until they actually DID cheat like 5 months later when everyone knew who was on the team and thought they were good. It's funny how good players that get accused of cheating don't arouse suspicion in admins. They just play smart and hit good shots.

There are always going to be exceptions... but you just have to live with the idea that this guy cheated and got banned. You guys haven't revolutionized the game since I stopped playing. The "crazy" shit that gets you kills now doesn't work against good teams. There was a reason wall shots were so rare at a high level... it's because it's really **** stupid to do against good players/teams because it's easier to hit people when you can see them and shooting at a wall gives away your position and let's someone peek you with a much higher chance of killing you. It wasn't because we were all bad and never realized you could shoot people through walls if you spammed them.
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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by joeledmunds »

My three highlights of the day!

1. Kevin saying the word correlates means OMG CHECK OUT MY SWEET UNI CLASSES YO

2. Building up cases for AC is stupid and should be replaced by IS THIS MATCH BLATANT NO? WELL THEN **** IT NEVER BAN

3. Poizoned is legit even though when CAL was still around everyone said he was the most blatant cheater ever. Oh, and let's not forget there was a LAN in his backyard or something when he was still considered super blatant and he was all **** THAT
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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by joeledmunds »

Disclaimer: This hardly affects me, I didn't play this match and I have no interest in playing this next one where I will undoubtedly get my shit stomped by players that I heard are amazing.
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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by stile »

Why do people expect dpk members to play smart? All we do is run around and frag. That's why we don't win matches or when we do it gets overturned. Just lock this thread already.
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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by Jb_ »

poizoned wrote:
i haven't watched the demo, nor will i watch the demo. it just always seems funny to me that certain types of players are always associated with other fishy players, and they all look strange when they play, and they do strange things, and for years they always get accused.
yea and i always find it funny that its always the same people draining my ball sacks out.

theres no reason to defend myself since you guys have your minds set that i cheat and i apologize to dpk that this happen again. im not fustrated at all about the banned but i'll be a lier if i said i didn't care a little about the banned since i personally know i don't cheat as well as my teammates, but theres no one way i can prove that especially since the odds are against me.

and yo it's the 4th of july weekened why do you guys care so much about me when you should be having a blast with family and friends drinking and partying.

i'll check this thread out on tuesday but on the mean time be safe virgins, peace!
Ive seen this post a time or two. The ole I dont care I have a life, why do you guys care about post. We get it, your so cool you dont care. But please learn how to spell, you have to be smarter then that with the way you hide you're cheats. I know its the interweb ;)
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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by stile »

he never said he didn't care about getting banned....

why wouldn't he care? this is the 2nd time dpk has had a playoff match overturned. it's a little bit frustrating for all of us.
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Re: Poizoned Down.

Post by stevehisey_ »

hi dan i miss you.
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