After my sly detective work in vent, I tracked down an old teammate, (that apparently no one remembers!) that played on my CPL'05 team. He took all the CPL pics for Dice and nD that I accidentally deleted long ago (the one remaining is the picture of Dice's back posing). Here are a few highlights:
nD and dice bootcamping in SoCAL. This is dice actually playing x6 or col, cant remember, who was bootcamping in TX. Cross bootcamp matches were pretty intense and fun to watch.
panoramic of the bootcamp area:
The actual match area sectioned off for DoD, pretty decent size. 72 computers, 6 matches played at once:
Wakefield, aka LANMAN aka liar, aka dodger, aka cheating ****~
this one make me laugh, the og asian 15 year old superstar Joob:
the two sponsored teams together, dice and nD
dice solo:
nD solo:
dice/revamped? (eman's cpl 05 team) controversial match. They scored a few points (for the win) or something on the last second and they had to go to screenshots or demos for the scores or replay cause no one took screenshots at 00:00
old dodealers post socal 4? lan: