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Post by kilentequila »

I found out about this Vegas LAN thing recently, and my playdodagain bone has officially been piqued. I haven't really played Dawd in about 5ish years so I'd like to get some playtime in TPG or whatever and then go the the LAN slightly less horrible and out of practice than I am now.

So ideally one of two things will happen from here:

a) I can find a dedicated sniper who wants to go to Vegas LAN and play in some online stuff leading up to it, cause if I can start with that screw it I'll just build a team the TPG team list is pretty small anyway; also the more teams at the LAN the better anyway ofc.

b) There is an existing team who is going to the Vegas LAN and is playing some online stuff leading up to it that needs a rifle / 3rd rifle, cause if I can't find a dedicated sniper I don't really want to build a team lol.

I would prefer just to find a sniper and actually start working towards building a team if I do I'll update this thread or make a new one or something idk stop hassling ME about it.

P.S. for those of you who don't know / remember me I was pretty much CAL-main for life back when, '04ish to '08ish. I spent a majority of my DOD time rifling / 3rd rifling with Unreachable a.k.a. #Zerokelvin, also played with a few other teams at various points as well. I went to two SoCal LANs one with a SKULL incarnation I was playing with online at the time, one with a pug of e-friends.

I don't heavy or snipe well enough I ain't starting now, I'd probably prefer to 3rd rifle especially if I can find some KAR **** who actually HAVE been playing shooters in the last 5 years. On the plus side I'll actually be playing sober unlike back when, so maybe the me being rusty as balls thing will sort of even out.

Anyway this post is already too long; while I'd prefer to keep the online and Vegas team thing linked, worst case I would play for a team online even if they are not Vegas bound. So I guess just PM me if you're a team looking for one more or a sniper looking for a team.
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Re: Well

Post by moosh »

Oh hey there.
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Re: Well

Post by toxinatoR »

Insert witty John Simpson comment.
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Re: Well

Post by james- »

I'm pretty sure I've already pre paid for the lan and don't have a team or any plans at all.

I snipe and would be down to get a team started so I can shake off some rust.
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Re: Well

Post by twist »

oh Oh OH....this changes everything.
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Re: Well

Post by sevEN »

**** cliffs?
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Re: Well

Post by Sp|dEr »

Kilen is good people... I remember him from years ago when I played on 38th back then too.
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Re: Well

Post by mare »

Well, well, well.
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Re: Well

Post by TonyMontana »

I don't have a Vegas lan team, I'm interested in working with a team until it rolls around, then going to Vegas with either a SICK team, and take it retardedly serious, or just any ol' 6 and get a mountain of cocaine and some hookers. Either way it seems like a great time.

Little about me:
-I play dod almost everyday (50/60hr weeks)
-I'm a pretty good heavy and an okay everything else
-I'm in the Main final now, which if we win, will be my 2nd TPG title in only my 3rd FULL TPG season.
- I made it to the I.M final in my rookie season, with a team that had never won a playoff game. We technically won, but it was a FF due to scheduling problems.
- I have almost everyone in TPG on friends and can get scrims and 12mans together lickitty split.
- people get REAL muddy when I do good :P

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Re: Well

Post by tugger »

TonyMontana wrote:- people get REAL muddy when I do good :P

which is... not often ~~
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