explain pls?

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Re: explain pls?

Post by l0ker »

TonyMontana wrote:Its not your fault france!!!!

It's in your blood to be a whiny slimeball coward. Go home and cry and suck on your mommas titty.
:shock: go **** your mom son of bitch :/

I don't cry, realy, i just need a .dem to see if my mates is cheating or not. You know, i just want to see as you all when and where noname use this "cheat"

What is the cheat ? wh? aimbot?
TonyMontana wrote:It takes a long time to ban someone, because first, they have to make sure due process taken. Invented democracy, yet you can't play by democratic rules.
i dont care about democratic rules. just TPG rules. YOUR rules dude, that you all use to play.
TonyMontana wrote:Why don't you go back to your shitty pond and go sit your fatass back on a lillypad, and stop whining like a bitch every single time someone from france gets caught CHEATING. Go ahead and pull out. If you are too much of a coward to defend your country, then youre a sad little boy
We never cry when a player gets caught CHEATING. NEVER, we just ask about prrof and you never can give us :)

" Hey, you killed my mum, i don't have any evidence of that but you did, i will kill you too "

That is not fair, just idiot and you are realy not consistent and definitively not credible, as your Nation =)

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Re: explain pls?

Post by NoName »

Could you tell me where it's said that an admin has the right to ban someone like this huh? In your democratic rules idiot?
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Re: explain pls?

Post by lolinus »

l0ker wrote:
Vive la Légion étrangère
Et quand défilent les képis blancs
Si leur allure n'est pas légère
Ils portent tous tête haute et fière
Et s'élançant dans la fournaise
Le cœur joyeux, jamais tremblants
Au son de notre Marseillaise
Savent combattre les képis blancs

Sous le soleil brûlant d'Afrique
Cochinchine, Madagascar
Une phalange magnifique
A fait flotter nos étendards.
Sa devise Honneur et Vaillance
Forme des soldats valeureux
Son drapeau, celui de la France
Est un emblème des plus glorieux

C'est une chose d'importance
La discipline à la Légion
L'amour du chef, l'obéissance
Sont de plus pure tradition
Et pour notre France chérie
Tous ces étrangers bravement
Viennent défendre la patrie
Avec honneur et dévouement.

Seems to me you need foreigners to do all the job for you.

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Re: explain pls?

Post by DinG »

Oh dear, what a surprise...
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Re: explain pls?

Post by Beas »

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Re: explain pls?

Post by TonyMontana »

"We never cry when someone is caught cheating" BULL - SHIT you ****-sucking weasel. You're doing it right now. You're dropping out of the tournament, and refusing to represent your country, because some retarded herpe-infested frenchmen got caught cheating. Why are you such a little baby that you can't accept that SOME people from France get caught cheating? Some people from EVERY country are caught cheating. Hell, Canada barely has 6 unbanned players to play in the tourney. You drop them, and move on. like a MAN.

But you don't. You guys pack it in. Because its in your blood. You guys face a LITTLE adversity, and you all curl up in a ball and quit. It's **** sad. Are you not a man? No wonder all french women are ****. I have more fortitude in my right nut than every man in France combined. You **** disgust me.

Also I can tell you, this evidence is gonna come out eventually. And you're gonna look like a giant asshole. Stop bringing cheaters into our league.

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Re: explain pls?

Post by squatta_leader »

TonyMontana wrote:"We never cry when someone is caught cheating" BULL - SHIT you ****-sucking weasel. You're doing it right now. You're dropping out of the tournament, and refusing to represent your country, because some retarded herpe-infested frenchmen got caught cheating. Why are you such a little baby that you can't accept that SOME people from France get caught cheating? Some people from EVERY country are caught cheating. Hell, Canada barely has 6 unbanned players to play in the tourney. You drop them, and move on. like a MAN.

But you don't. You guys pack it in. Because its in your blood. You guys face a LITTLE adversity, and you all curl up in a ball and quit. It's **** sad. Are you not a man? No wonder all french women are ****. I have more fortitude in my right nut than every man in France combined. You **** disgust me.

Also I can tell you, this evidence is gonna come out eventually. And you're gonna look like a giant asshole. Stop bringing cheaters into our league.


Did a foreign exchange student from France break your heart by not wanting to play D&D with you in the 6th grade or something?
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Re: explain pls?

Post by hildebrand »

NoName/l0ker, you will never get to see the demo. I was wrongfully banned months ago and still have yet to see the demo of me "cheating".

The process is flawed and there is nothing you can do about it as a player. Only when you are banned do you realize how the process is flawed unfortunately.

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Re: explain pls?

Post by sloth »

yet another thread where tonymontana feels it necessary to share his absurdly idiotic opinion with the community... what a surprise.
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Re: explain pls?

Post by An1maL »

Another french cheater, what a shock
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