As of now, this film will feature a wide array of heroes, along with an assortment of villains. The movie will be shot entirely in 3d at 48 fps, which we will change to only 24 fps after no one watches 48 fps during the first movie's (in the trilogy) box office run. I believe I'll get a deal with JJ Abrams as our producer so we won't get sued when we use lens flare (he created them you know).
Casting is as follows.
Protagonists: Matt Damon will play the collective "new" community of 1911 (people such as myself). Brad Pitt (that beautiful man) will play the part of the more veteran community, Russel Crowe will play the euros (and aussies I guess).
Antagonists: Sean Bean will play the part of the DoD:S community (though they aren't really antagonists, they just die off faster than everyone else and that's depressing). Hayden Christensen will play the part of the South American teams that probably cheat (those that the collective actually like are being included with Matt Damon). Why hayden? His dialogue didn't make much sense to me in the Star Wars movies. And finally, Tony Montana, Dustin Young, Stamp, Devin, and whoever else has ever annoyed the collective + the veterans over the years will all be portrayed by the one and only Daniel Day Lewis. His method acting means he'll be able to pull off the roll most effectively.
Story will be roughly based on all the Dear anybody threads that have ever been posted. We'll also probably pull some romance bits from the catfish thread because everyone loves a bit of romance.
I believe that, should this be done right and faithful to the source material, we can make bundles off of this.
PS. Benedict **** will provide the voices of Eric Sears, Tin Bad, and Defiance. He'll be using a voice close to what he has used in the most recent Hobbit film.