believe wrote:I'm about to realize a DREAM, playing on a Anti-Cheat client in such a good game!
I will need a team for ESL, I can play AnyGuns in any Level. Basicly i'm a better riffle or sniper cuz I didn't heavy since 2005. I don't care if you're god awful Imma do the job. Can't wait to see how you do againts me on ACC.
And Jared can you sign my mouse pad? I'm coming for you!
Have fun reading my Broken English, almost like your broken gameplay!
Handle: Believe
Team: 2Legit2Quit
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10408091, STEAM_0:1:869844, STEAM_0:1:937120
Start Date: Jun 10 2014
End Date: Jun 10 2015
Rule Violation: 7.4
Reason: Failure to Submit - Contact a TPG Admin
As you said
believe wrote:...