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Re: CS: GO

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:09 am
by scorch-
unpro wrote:
scorch- wrote:game feels rough but way better than source.
so it might actually come out decent?
It's a long way from being a complete game, and they don't have west coast test servers, I guess, but it feels like they actually want to make a good game. The guns that are in so far feel about balanced. TBH though I'm still playing mw3 instead of the go beta.

Re: CS: GO

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:52 pm
by gh0d
yea Valve took a risk in the past and made changes to games while assuming those changes would "improve" the game. But I have never seen a company reach out to it's competitive community the way Valve has for CS:GO. Which to me is promising. I haven't played the game yet but the effort they are putting in to include the competitive community, is a positive sign. As long as Valve uses the advice they receive to make the proper changes....CS:GO has the potential to be a real success.

I haven't been hopeful for an fps game in years. Fingers crossed that CS:GO doesn't disappoint. :shock: