crs/xer0 was in hb...whether it was for one season or what I don't remember. he was around...just wasn't a very known player since he didn't run his mouth like most in the community. he just played the game and had fun
Chris was the one who made the teaser video for railroad 2 back in the day. I remember he was in a private server with whoever made the map and some random(invite?) players to film the teaser video. Uncletom was on h8 at the time and this was around the same time he made "meet the beasely's". Me, my brother and uncletom were dead set on getting our hands on the map even though chris told us we weren't allowed in the server or to download the map. We somehow found out the server pw...downloaded the map... put it on the h8 server....changed the server name to 'h8 Vacation"...and posted screenshots of the map on gotfrag/1911. He then threatened that he was never going to talk to us again so we took the post down lol. The good old days.
Wow hb had a lot of players. I wouldn't call that list 100% accurate. Sacred was on hb at one point too and I don't see him on that list. But I'll let the DoD Police take over from here. What do I know.
Yeh still doesnt ring a bell, but I wasnt calling you out, just pointing out I didnt remember you. Maybe you snuck in one season for a match or 2, who knows. I was with hb for a very long time, almost 3+ years and I didnt reconize the name. No reason to take offense, I said wb. When someone comes on here claiming to be a past hb member I expect to know them or atleast heard of them. Sorry if you took it as something else.
Wow traize where the hell did you find that? That list is more like a hb vent crew, alot of those guys never even played a match for hb. So yeh maybe crs/xro or whatever squeezed in there sometime.
Jb_ wrote:Wow traize where the hell did you find that? That list is more like a hb vent crew, alot of those guys never even played a match for hb. So yeh maybe crs/xro or whatever squeezed in there sometime.