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Re: A storm is coming

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:25 am
by scorch-
moosh wrote:Correction, it's one strike group with other random ships. Not even close to 3 anything. There may be a full ARG but it's impossible to tell. But your conclusions based off a youtube video are laughable.
Pretty sure I saw every naval ship ever built in the US in that video. You likely couldn't see them all because they have stealth water paint. We're probably going to war in it, but we'll never know because it's a secret war covered up by the Pentagon.

Re: A storm is coming

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:26 pm
by gwolf_
Grab your tin foil hats!

Re: A storm is coming

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:39 pm
by unpro
theres only 1 carrier, thats just a fraction of our naval power.

not only that, it could very well be a mix of countries in that formation. RIMPAC isnt just a US thing, its a joint exercise.

Re: A storm is coming

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:41 pm
by unpro
More than 30 ships participating in the Rim of the Pacific Exercise 2010 are seen here in formation led by USS Ronald Reagan. Canadian ships participating in the exercise include Her Majesty's Canadian Ships Algonquin and Calgary.
and it is a mix.

Re: A storm is coming

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:47 pm
by unpro
also, moosh correct me if im wrong, but isnt every US fleet basically 1 super carrier and its support ships? except i think its the 4th fleet?

Re: A storm is coming

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:25 pm
by unpro
ah, i mixed up carrier group and fleet then. silly naval terminology.

Re: A storm is coming

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:03 pm
by scorch-
How hard is it to become captain of a tugboat? I'm thinking of a career change, but I've heard tugboating is wrought with nepotism.

Re: A storm is coming

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:03 pm
by ThatsRight
Correction, it's one strike group with other random ships. Not even close to 3 anything. There may be a full ARG but it's impossible to tell. But your conclusions based off a youtube video are laughable.
The ships I posted in that video isn't related to what's happening now. It was from last year in the Pacific and included a bunch of other nations. The point I was trying to convey is that a fleet is expensive and large in scope. The next time the OWS crowd complains about jobs, infrustructure or education falling apart, they should take a look at that little unchecked empire we're running.

However, in regards to Iran....From my understanding, the U.S has moved 2 carrier groups to the Arabian Sea and yet another is on the way. That's from the Pentagon source, not me.

Grab your tin foil hats!
Put your head in the sand and turn American Idol on. Bread and circuses.

Iran is taking on the petro dollar hegemony. The U.S and U.K are trying to destroy Iran's currency (it's down 20% in the last few weeks and 60% overall...) in retailiation with sanctions. For the first time, they may even specifically target their oil exports. Basically, "either sell your oil in dollars or you aren't selling any of it to anyone". So Iran threatened to shut down a large portion of the world's oil by closing the straight of Hormuz---sending gas prices high the last few weeks. They ran a drill in the straight with their fleet. An american fleet showed up to shadow them....they said that it would be attacked if it returned and that they don't warn twice....then we send even more naval assets to the gulf.

Iranian scientists are being blown away. They have claimed to have caught CIA agents and executed them recently, and took our spy plane. Both countries are already engaging in outright economic war against one another...and our navy is breathing down their neck amid high tensions.

What part is the "crazy" conspiracy? I think like a large percentage of the American population, you're just clueless to what's happening. Ignorance is bliss and the status quo continues unchecked.