Another One Down..

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by ohhhhbeeee »

Called this a long time ago. He's been cheating in matches and scrims for a long long time now, dun care what jaggon says.
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by D-bo »

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Re: Another One Down..

Post by JaGGoNdd »

oh please leroy, pot calling the kettle black much? you were literally one of the worst heavies in the game in matches when you played and by far the most blatant cheater in scrims for about 2 years (of course only doing so while you were a top admin so you could shield yourself from being caught and remain the most corrupt admin we've ever had). you're a joke, kid, and you BLEW on lan. you don't even know what you're talking about. you're the same ignorant idiot that banned miller when he wasn't even remotely close to cheating or being sketchy AT ALL just because you were a spiteful little moron with the intelligence and maturity of a 7 year old. I have no reason to defend Ryan in regards to him cheating or not cheating in matches, I just know he didn't ever do it after our original cal ban in 05. plain and simple. I wouldn't openly admit that he cheated in a bunch of scrims and then say he didn't in matches if he did. you just can't handle the fact that pretty much every heavy that ever played in an invite division was vastly superior to you and dumped on your ugly face so effortlessly that you convinced yourself they all had to be cheating to rationalize your badness. but it is good to know you're still one of the 5 most annoying losers this community has ever had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing. ::HIGHFIVE::
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by Johndkc »

I am sure this is all just a huge misunderstanding. I am sure Ryan will clear things up at the next LAN. LOLohwait!!!11
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by CharlieGiteau »

I'm just trying to figure out why you're here making excuses for him. I understand he's your brother and all, but a cheater is a cheater. Obviously yourself included, 12 mans or matches, same difference. You may have cheated back in '05, but hell, once a cheater, always a cheater. Then to personally attack someone who called a spade a spade? I just don't get it. Door was way back over that way, you should leave that ego of yours there.
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by Theworst »

GSKILLeis.exe <3 GSKILL0ry.exe

Side note, greets, do you still have that lennon screenshot with the infamous "it's over" mm1 <3
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by ward »

I'm just wondering what excuse your dad is going to use for banning players in the BaW server now. I don't think the whole "my son is a TPG-banned allstar " thing is going to work dude.
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by Quikey »

JaGGoNdd wrote:wall of text

Does anybody else read this as "I knew he cheated"? And if so, doesn't that make him just as guilty?

Just a question from a nobody.
Last edited by Quikey on Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by tugger »

about time...once a cheater, always a cheater.
ward wrote:I'm just wondering what excuse your dad is going to use for banning players in the BaW server now. I don't think the whole "my son is a TPG-banned allstar " thing is going to work dude.

who is it?
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Re: Another One Down..

Post by akiro »

based on what i know about the lan performances of corey and ryan, i believe corey. i remember thinking ryan was a pretty big scrim cheater, but yet he was heavily scrutinized about EVERY cal match, and people were always looking for him to tank it at a lan, and nothing came of either after that 05 ban.

i hate cheaters, i've played this game for a long long time, and no one will ever call me a "good" player(i was probably at my best during 1.3b and 3.1), i was average and i just did well putting together good teams that made it to top cal-m lower cal-i quality, but yet i never found the need to cheat to pad my ego or save it because pub/scrim stars were raping me. so while i believe corey's assertion, i still think it's pretty shitty that he ever felt the need to cheat because a bunch of nobodies were cheating in scrims. that's exactly why i and the guys i play with don't want to scrim because we know what the 12mans and scrims are composed of. when we first made a team, jeff told me that dan said every 12 man/pub/scrim is 50% cheaters. Now beyond that every 2-3 weeks a cheater is banned from tpg, when cal was at it's height the rate of bans in the higher divisions was much lower. I'm not saying there weren't alot of bans but ratio wise, it was lower.

i dunno, it's whatever at this point....... but all shit like this does is make everyone think the people they ever called cheats on are actually cheaters.

PS: half the people here, who says good riddance, or cheater or always a cheater and blah blah...... have probably cheated or still cheat.
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