Wonder who suggested this one. Ricky should have known better. The moment spoon pics were denied is the moment you have absolute evidence that some fraudin' is going on. No one can out-trick spoon pics.Sears wrote:"Make her hold a spoon!", the 3xtreme brethren insisted!. But to no avail, she resisted.
I say this as someone who has always found this girl to be profoundly obnoxious, but I feel pretty awful for c0urtney. As you learn about the pervasiveness and extent of her lies and attempts to garner attention and affection, it's not a stretch to imagine that she has something going on. As in, she legitimately needs psychological help. Like, badly.
So I imagine this thread might go in the direction of flaming, but not from me. Girl needs help, not more reasons to hate her life.
Regardless, sound detective work, 3h.