is this real life

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Re: is this real life

Post by wintehs »

IEatNegRep wrote:w/e you've been harassing me since before i was even in the league. Hadn't
even played a match in TPG and you were already down my throat. You Dont
even know me bro. That FF, and all the bullshit involved, was over a year ago. It's time you let it go. I play all the time and have no problems with anyone but you. i get picked last, go 10-30 against pros, never bitch, and say "thank you sir may I have another." Im always very respectful and never make problems. I like to talk alotta smack on 1911, so what?...Thats what its for.
I know u guys think those KS guys were a bunch of noob **** and you're entitled to that opinion, but i like em. They gave me a team to play with and a vent to hang out in when i first returned, and for that I owe them respect. They arent exactly dod pros, and I asked them to play way above their level, and push them to be the best they could, and for that, to them, i appologize. As for the rest of the league that had to look at that greasy FF win, I can only say Im sorry the "drama" that went on, all season long between KS and SaB, resulted in the FF. Its a shame a community 15 years old can still have that type of problem but you know what......just because Im the only one speaking on the behalf of KS, and you're some sort of dod celebrity, doesn't give you the right to act like a jerk. I respect your skills, I respect your name, i respect what you've accomplished. I don't even care when you talk down to noobs. but NOT the KS noobs. Those are MY noobs and I don't appreciate them getting shit on by somebody just because they are "a big deal."
Who cares tho man. I just lit a big ass copenhagen peace blunt, and Im smoking it in your honor. Youre a big deal milo, we all know that. Weve had some great battles over the years, and been thru some bull ish, but **** it man, foggetaboutit. it was a long time ago and i couldnt even stop what happend. there is enough hate in the world, this is me sticking my e-hand out, and hoping we can forget about all that noob bullshit and move on. Sorry man....Theyre noobs, but i love em...
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Re: is this real life

Post by ward »

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Re: is this real life

Post by squatta_leader »

This guy never fails to only make it like 2-3 days before I need to ban him again. Impressive actually.
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