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Re: Binds for tpg

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:59 pm
by reddogg
Joshinator wrote:
british wrote:Ok if you use hud_fastswitch "1" you will be banned. Are you new here?
TPG also will ban for the use of any non-default binds to keys. Things such as binding a key to stop sound, voice, or hand signals is a perma-ban for cheating.
They will also ban you for sitting on top of a roof

Re: Binds for tpg

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:25 pm
by Sp3c-BuLLeT
reddogg wrote:They will also ban you for sitting on top of a roof
True story:

Re: Binds for tpg

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:30 am
by zbeec
Sp3c-BuLLeT wrote:
reddogg wrote:They will also ban you for sitting on top of a roof
True story:
i used to use that spot all the time and in fact its even in my movie. such a shame its illegal not like you got to get boosted up to it

Re: Binds for tpg

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:29 am
by Sp3c-BuLLeT
zbeec wrote:
Sp3c-BuLLeT wrote:
reddogg wrote:They will also ban you for sitting on top of a roof
True story:
i used to use that spot all the time and in fact its even in my movie. such a shame its illegal not like you got to get boosted up to it
I believe defiance made it illegal, because you can see into table room from up there. I'm not sure what real advantage that actually gives you though.

Re: Binds for tpg

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:48 am
by defiance
Wasn't me, that's one of my favorite spots!

Re: Binds for tpg

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:00 pm
by crawtona
stealthlol wrote:
Miller` wrote:Also, if you use weapons, such as a sniper rifle, grenade, or any automatic weapon to kill someone, TPG will have you arrested.
Motion to have tpg pistols only.

Re: Binds for tpg

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:19 pm
by muresan
DanJhonson wrote:No quick switching, no pistol rolling, no nading spawn, no shooing spawn, no looking at spawn, no thinking about spawn, NO QUICK SWITCHING!


Lol Dan that totally cracked me up.

Re: Binds for tpg

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:26 pm
by zbeec
Sp3c-BuLLeT wrote:
zbeec wrote:
i used to use that spot all the time and in fact its even in my movie. such a shame its illegal not like you got to get boosted up to it
I believe defiance made it illegal, because you can see into table room from up there. I'm not sure what real advantage that actually gives you though.
nope you cant see into table room from up there. you must have forgot to turn off your walls