Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:57 pm
Relax, lounge around, and find out who hacks.
No one on our team is afraid to play or lose a DoD match lolHudson` wrote:From the creators of #afraid2scrim, and the director of "Crouching Sniper Upper Connector" and "Raiders of the Lost Kar", comes a new low in Day of Defeat history...This Winter. Prepare yourself. For. #AFRAID2FINALS.
Hudson` wrote:This message is for TPG organizers and players:
Unless something formal has been scheduled by the teams official listed leaders, through the official TPG website, I kindly request that you please show up for your God damn matches, on match night, on time.
I started playing DoD in 10th grade. Did I care in 10th grade whether I played tonight or tomorrow or in three days? No, because I came home and played for 4 hours every night regardless. I'm now entering my third year of graduate school. I am a busy person. I am, in fact, not unique in this regard. Many, and I dare say, most people now work full time, and have girlfriends, wives, and even kids.
Official match night is Sunday night, an agreed-upon weekend night, for a reason -- because we're all old, and have things to do during the week. You want to do something else Sundays? By all means, I support it. Do it, man. Just don't make a DoD team. Let it go and give it up. And definitely don't be so **** crass as to expect, or even force, other people to provide charity to you in the form of their personal time on another night.
some of them still think people care whos the best.Sp|dEr wrote:Why are the majority of people who play this game acting like a bunch of bitches???? Have they all synchronized their "feminine time" to line up together?