jigsawww wrote:
First off does and did don't go in either of that sentence you be looking for the word i'am guessing was. No something is missing can't quiet figure it out... There I fixed your broken english.
Lets be honest I really never read your post. And while we're at it I believe I won invite a few times even if I played a few games on that warm bench or started for that matter.
For clarity, I singled out the lines of English that you managed to screw up whilest giving cass crap for being bad at English.
THUNDER > no rage men
Highball > becoming
38th > 3xtreme Humiliation
HUEHUE = capuchon (both teams will rate and cheat. no offense cass)
moNster > king
Lower Bracket
infinite > RedSkin Rebels
prone 2 own! GLFH dont giva f**k (id rather get shit on by more NA teams then have full SA lower)
debores7 < Legends of a Dead Game
Los mismos de Siempre.MaSaCre < Cosa Nostra
OneFiveOne > Usefulltactics
welcome to lower brackets guys. damn this is gonna get rowdy
jigsawww wrote:
First off does and did don't go in either of that sentence you be looking for the word i'am guessing was. No something is missing can't quiet figure it out... There I fixed your broken english.
Lets be honest I really never read your post. And while we're at it I believe I won invite a few times even if I played a few games on that warm bench or started for that matter.
For clarity, I singled out the lines of English that you managed to screw up whilest giving cass crap for being bad at English.
You don't seem to be much better.
I left that for cass, but you found it before him congrats..
As english is Guilherme's second language and I am a fat, dumb, honky American who spends his nights watching great broadcast television shows such as Big Brother, American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance?, I feel I have no right to correct his use of the english, again his second language. I actually feel that way about all of the different countries players who have acclimated and play in our leagues nowadays. I have always been open to a diverse league though, similar in many ways to Brett Arkin's views.
cassinoroyale wrote:Not trying to make excuses but I started my post writing 'Does it worth to have a preseason?' and ended up forgetting to change Does for Did when I modified the sentence structure. Thanks for pointing it out my bad typo but considering the number of times you copy pasted that only phrase I can only think in: A. You kinda still have a grudge against me for accidentally making you being cut/benched from drugs after you let me ninja cap. B. You're a troll and want to emphasize my mistake in an attempt to embarrass me and make feel bad. Either way I still have nothing against as you allowed me to have a nice clip. Thanks again!.
Just try and ignore anything that comes out of his mouth. The other day jigsaw was trying to give me shit for being a full time college student with a part time job. He also insinuated that he's better than me because his community college is free or something
cassinoroyale wrote:Not trying to make excuses but I started my post writing 'Does it worth to have a preseason?' and ended up forgetting to change Does for Did when I modified the sentence structure. Thanks for pointing it out my bad typo but considering the number of times you copy pasted that only phrase I can only think in: A. You kinda still have a grudge against me for accidentally making you being cut/benched from drugs after you let me ninja cap. B. You're a troll and want to emphasize my mistake in an attempt to embarrass me and make feel bad. Either way I still have nothing against as you allowed me to have a nice clip. Thanks again!.
Just try and ignore anything that comes out of his mouth. The other day jigsaw was trying to give me shit for being a full time college student with a part time job. He also insinuated that he's better than me because his community college is free or something
I told you you should be making more at your age, but that's just my opinion. I told you I get free school because of the Hazlewood Act.