believe wrote:You're getting what you deserved for your stupid move ! Being rasist, bullying people, trolling over and over and cheating for no reason. 75% of this community should put a row around you neck and just throw yourself of in a river.
Theses are the player that aren't concerned about this : ddorito, bleargh, Beas, blech, marl_fox and more.
believe wrote:You're getting what you deserved for your stupid move ! Being racist, bullying people, trolling over and over andcheating for no reason. 75% of this community should put a row around their neck and just throw yourself of in a river.
Theses are the player that aren't concerned about this : dorito, bleargh, Beas, blech, marl_fox, all the frenchies I played with and more.
FLuXXuHH wrote:lol tony u and ward seem to be only one that missed the recorded ventrillo clip of me corey and ryanemo in vent where ryan says, "I think its time for someone to make another rumor, but flux u have to do it" shit went further then we thought WIN! guess u weren't apart of the inner circle tho. circa 2009-10 kid fail pzpzpz
It seems like all you do is brag that you were in some old men's club for a dead game.
Max, you still harness too much anger for your lack of acceptance into the community. How old are you?? At some point as you grow past adolescence you need to realize that the opinions expressed on this forum should represent no bearing on your real life. It is unfortunate your attempts to befriend everyone or impress everyone (i.e. your shirtless muscular picture) didn't work out, yet you still long for people on here to like you, even at the death of this community. Year after year, or ban after ban you still try to come back but now you have this resentment as if you were some dork who got picked on in high school and now how have a complex as a result...
In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter...
I have no background in psychology or studying social issues, but anyone who has half a brain can see that you are deeply marred by some of the responses people have given you throughout the years. While you can proclaim you are not, most of your posts have an underlying seed of hatred towards community members, such as you telling me to put a row around my neck and throw myself in a river. All I am trying to point out is that this is the internet, we aren't fifteen anymore. I know that acceptance in life is something that is achieved differently by everyone, but at some point you need to realize that what people say, especially on the internet, doesn't mean a thing.
FLuXXuHH wrote:not bragging devin he just like u came around 08-09 when the game was dead, so telling him to let it go already came into to a dead game shall be easy to leave. pshhh pre retail crew here obv
I can hardly tell what kind of point you are trying to get across due to your lack of grammar, my apologies.