ohh ryan... this is really annoying I know. Let me try to show you a few things first even before trying to enter in this discussion.
First of all, I'd really want to separate things... despite living on the same region (South America), each country is really different than each other. As far as SA teams are concerned on USA leagues, we only have
Brazil and
Argentina teams competing at the moment.
Right now you are probably thinking: "the hell with it, I don't need geography lessons and whatnot"
First off all, I always worked to be a frontman of my community (Brazil). If USA leagues management chooses to wipe out Argentinean teams from the league be sure that I won't raise my hand and say "hey, Brazi teams will leave if you kick Argentineans from the league". Of course not. They had their shot and didn't take it seriously.
Secondly, believe me that though they are our neighbors we are very different people. And as far as sportsmanlike attitudes are concerned most of the argentineans are a pain in the ass because like football they don't know how to lose. And in order to get a shot for win they can do anything, legit or not. Most of them simply can't stand on losing to whatever team they face in whatever competition they are in. Like I said before, most is different than all. Of course we have some good argentineans like makhen, pola and Super and friendly teams like Argento and Reines.Ei (who can lose by 1000 points spread and never goes bazooking, voicing, whatever). Other than these, its pretty much like I described.
To sum all up: we are different countries. As for now TPG have 4 brazilian teams (dW, Fake do pipi by, reLoad and fireyes). How many times you saw someone complaining about them? (for cheating/rating issues of course, some brazilians can't control their fingers especially if someone keep on voicing them but hey we are talking about h4x). If some of teams does something related to these matters then I will feel ashamed and I will personally enforce that the team will take whatever punishment the league admins decide for.
Moreover I will have a talk with Narc and propose a more severe punishment SA's who likes to rate, i.e. rating will grant you a 1 year suspension and having two or more raters get caught in your team will make TPG admins excludes not only the player but the team from the season.
Like I said in a earlier thread, I'd rather prefer being a legit monkey than an bankrupt rater boludo jejejejajaja... It's all true.