TPG Summer Cup

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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by akiro »

Im sure you havent been on the bench the last however many tpg seasons you have played. Or in 12 mans or anywhere else
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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by Joey »

Appreciate TPG admins for setting this up, it sounded like it was another fun cup!

Talking about the draft and the bench players, there were 20 ringers who signed up and each cup team had an extra 2 bench players, that's 36 people in total that wanted to play but didn't get the chance and 16 of them were quick enough to actually get on a team.

I have to agree with crono & co who said that it would be fairer to do teams of 6 instead of 8. Once the required amount of people needed for the cup sign up, why not just let the rest sign up as ringers? This cup proved that enough people still sign up wanting to play even if they were too late to get on a team, and if they sign up after the teams are filled they do so knowing they may not get to play. Saves a bit of disappointment that's all.

Personally, I would have happily stayed up till whatever time GMT to play in the summer cup if I knew I was going to play at least one game but staying up knowing I wasn't going to play at all even if I signed up in time felt a bit pointless.

Not upset at anyone as these things are hard to organise and will never please everyone but at the same time I think it's fair that if people sign up in time to play they at least get that chance (regardless of skill or how well known they are in the community, we all play for fun anyway don't we?)

Maybe the next one will work out better for everyone! Congrats whoever won :D
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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by Hopper »

DD-aftershock wrote:
scorch- wrote:
DD-aftershock wrote:Hey why make the Capt's pick 8 players .... knowing only the best will be playing and the rest are sitting on the bench ... make it more teams with 6 players instead of 6 teams of 8 that way everyone gets to play .....

also the team i am on they have their team already to go and i am not even considered to play ... which is a joke if you ask me .....

Thanks TPG Admins for ruining it for people who want to play but cant
There was a set number of teams with a set number of captains. If you want to play, get better? Sounds like this one ran the smoothest of any of the drafts, why are you complaining to the ADMINS about running a good cup where you had to sit on the bench because your team was better than you?
how are we supposed to get better if we are on the bench ..... explain that one to me ??????
By playing in 12mans or watching how others play so you can improve your play?
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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by Katsato »

Hopper wrote:
DD-aftershock wrote:
scorch- wrote:
There was a set number of teams with a set number of captains. If you want to play, get better? Sounds like this one ran the smoothest of any of the drafts, why are you complaining to the ADMINS about running a good cup where you had to sit on the bench because your team was better than you?
how are we supposed to get better if we are on the bench ..... explain that one to me ??????
By playing in 12mans or watching how others play so you can improve your play?
If that was true, shouldn't you be in invite by now?
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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by greetz »

the best way to get better at this game is play with people you enjoy playing with, generally thats your team so you guys can get team scrims and improve cause its a team game. drafts and 12 mans etc will just help you individually which is great but unless youre jules ;) that only goes so far. I wouldnt worry about getting sat out of a draft, its not much different than 12 mans, in reality you build teamwork as you go.
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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by Quikey »

Katsato wrote:
Hopper wrote: By playing in 12mans or watching how others play so you can improve your play?
If that was true, shouldn't you be in invite by now?

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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by squatta_leader »

DD-aftershock wrote:how are we supposed to get better if we are on the bench ..... explain that one to me ??????
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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by mogers »

Things I have learned from this DoD Season and the Summer Cup:

Don't ever rely on Cass for anything, ever.
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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by nomis »

I definitely agree with the 6 players picked, instead of 8, because those last 2 players are not very likely going to get to see any play time. As a captain, I feel bad picking the last 2 players, because of that fact. I personally want everyone who manages to sign up in time to get playtime. Doesn't matter how good they are, this is a draft, you're not going to have invite players all the time, if needed, they can ring for an upper level player who doesn't show. Also, I think the fact that this fills up in 1 or 2 days, means we can do a couple more teams, and have a bigger bracket as a result, let everyone who signs up get some playtime.

Just my 2 cents :)
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Re: TPG Summer Cup

Post by joeledmunds »

Register Friday, draft 5 players Saturday , play your matches on Sunday. Players who don't show can be blacklisted from the next draft. More teams, baddies get to play, ringer list is smaller and less utilized. If you don't know that you can play your matches at the end of the weekend, then don't be an idiot and register at the beginning of the weekend.
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