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Re: DoD LAN (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:02 pm
by joeledmunds
DudeMeet 2012

Re: DoD LAN (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:10 pm
by sevEN
i havent read any of the responses, but i would love for another lan to happen. i would obviously like for it to happen in socal, since i'm here, but i am willing to fly anywhere in the US that i feel is worth visiting. now that i have a decent job, i will definitely have the money to do that. but i dont want to fly to some place like KY for a lan.. i want to fly to new york, chicago, florida... something that is worth visiting if there wasnt even a dod lan going on. i've been to kentucky for a cs lan and i wanted to poke my eyes out with a fork.

also, next year sounds way too long. i dont want to be a downer but i feel like we wont be able to hold this kind of momentum and support for a year and 2 months until dec 28th of 2012. that, and i also get really excited to hear stuff like this and just dont want to wait that long! lol. i would much rather have a lan way sooner than that, even if it means a little less support from sponsors. noone is in it for the prize money, so holding out 6+ months for a bigger prize pool doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

i also feel like there is a big benefit of having a lan event in socal because we could very likely get the support of Payam and the TOG lan center, who both have a long history of supporting the dod community and our tournaments. it isnt out of the question that if we do a good job of getting people to pre-pay, and help fundraise some of our own money outside of the registration fee, that Payam will be willing to help out in some ways. and cmon.. half of dod players live in kentucky or knoxville or butt **** idaho... if they haven't already been to california, it would be a great opportunity to have a lan in a great place.

i will pre-pay, i will fly across the US to a decent location (something that offers a more to do and see outside of the tournament itself), and even donate a little money to help the cause. i just prefer to have it sooner than a year and 2 months away.

Re: DoD LAN (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:32 pm
by sevEN
Maybe Payam himself would be willing to help? I'm not sure what he is doing lately as far as his business, but the guy was wealthy. If there is any way he can benefit from it, he will help us. Advertising is advertising. Not to mention, there is a histor with him and the dod community, so he may be willing to help just because of that reason. This is just pure speculation, but it doesnt hurt for someone like Jason or Dyelife to get in contact with him, since we are contacting everyone on the planet about this right now anyways.

Re: DoD LAN (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:43 pm
by theshizz
im going.

Re: DoD LAN (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:06 pm
by Polak
Yea of course I would come.Sorry I should have been more clear in my previous post. Willing to help also means I'd probably show..

But unpro's post just go me thinking. I know it's something that we can't control but I just really wanna put this out there and see if anyone has any thoughts/comments/solutions.

One major factor in getting players to commit was having COMPLETE TEAMS. It's the wishy-washy nature of the people who play this game and the teams they play on. One minute they're on a team..then they get a "better" offer because the elite team of the time's 6th had to drop out due to some they immediately jump to the opportunity to play on a team that has a chance to win..Then the team he left has a hard time fielding a 6th at the last minute..that team dies and we lose 4 or 5 players..or we lose players who give up before the lan even starts because they think they don't have a chance at winning because of the few STACKED teams that usually win etc etc etc...Whatever the reason is, team hopping and team killing always results into at least 10-15 players not showing that were originally going to show...I think you get the point I'm trying to make.

I've always wanted to do a DoD draft lan...I think at this point since a lot of randoms and old players are coming back..and there aren't many complete teams..Why not do a draft?

Have the community vote on X amount of captains and do it like a fantasy football style draft. Where the last capt to pick gets to be the 1st capt to pick 2nd round. So on and so forth. I think it would definitely encourage a broader appeal and help eliminate the fear of people not wanting to go because they weren't picked up or wanted by any "good" teams.

Just my two cents.

Also $350 for vegas is nice. But you gotta throw in the cost of food and shit..(Unless you already did..I skimmed over it :P )

A dod draft lan is possible if were going to be in vegas for three **** days. I actually prefer the draft idea, I wanted to do a lan so we can all hang out together for one last time. I don't want clicks to stick together and I will love it when people who hate eachother are on the same time (I still smile thinking about specops and e`man sitting next to eachother at the ky lan)

I just can't see the dod draft lan being realistic because there are going to be those two teams that want to win it all and I understand. I wouldn't mind winning one **** lan, I've been in 2nd and 3rd place in so many that its annoying =/

Re: DoD LAN (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:44 pm
by willeh
i'd be willing to donate a substancial ammount.
i have waisted a good portion to my life playing this game and wouldnt mind donating to support the communty
even if i can't come i would be willing to donate.

Re: DoD LAN (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:50 pm
by joeledmunds
The ADoDalypse.

Re: DoD LAN (Part 2)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:04 pm
by Polak
A DoDdery attempt for a lan?