My posts were described as "brainwashed". Thats when i stop caring about feelings.
Brainwashed: a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas.
People in the military are taught to follow orders no matter what. It's not about you. The individual is given up and you represent something bigger. Ultimately you are formed to act, dress, and think a certain way. You even said above that you trust your leaders. The Navy slogan is "a global force for good".
It's not just America who does this. It's every country.
When the U.s rounds up's a nice little camp to help them.
When the U.s slaughters a race of Indians...they show pilgrims smiling at a table sharing corn.
"the unprovoked" attack by the Japanese...was provoked.
"operation Iraqi Freedom".
When the Americans rebelled against the British empire, it was justified. When the Iraqi's rebel against an American empire occupation, they're terrible rebels engaging in horrific gorilla warfare. When **** Germany took Poland and's horrible....but America took California, Texas, and tons of islands. It's just the fun old wild west.
Countries getting nuclear weapons is unacceptable, but the United States created, actually used, and threatened to use them to destroy the world for half a century.
The U.s has routinely used assinations, rigged elections, and overthrew governments we didn't like even when they won legitimently, while at the same time touting democracy.
The Us has been involved in multiple wars the last decade....what if China had engaged in these conflicts instead or Russia? They would be branded as out of control.
You could literally go on for days.
Things are always framed in a different way, which could basically be considered propaganda. We're really no better or worse than any other empire throughout history. And yes, I consider a large number of people to be brainwashed into thinking that we do nothing wrong and are just a constant welcomed leader around the world. We do a lot of good, but the list of bad is staggering.
You can disagree, but that's my opinion.