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Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 6:16 pm
by stealthlol
alex kirk wrote:
joeledmunds wrote:Do pub admins really think that we connect to these servers with some malicious intent of destroying there way of life? I join a pub when I'm bored and want to play some DoD (because I like this game, imagine that). I've been playing this game competitively since whenever 3.1b was, so I'm reasonably fast. I don't want to "tone it down", if I see someone I'm going to shoot them, because THAT IS THE GAME. Then I get banned without any warning because some 40 year old is angry that I, JoelEdmunds, are super amazing. You're a dork if you think this is reasonable.

Also, we don't have explain how we know some pubber is in a corner, because **** pubbers hide everywhere.
Yikes, Joel, yikes. Long night of drinking there, pal?
Joel Edmunds grammars hard, but parties harder.

Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:17 pm
by tuggeR*
wow... splashgirl really need to a get a man into her life, nothing better then a dick to get rid of all the stress shes going through

Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:19 pm
by kirk
tuggeR* wrote:wow... splashgirl really need to a get a man into her life, nothing better then a dick to get rid of all the stress shes going through

Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:20 pm
by Swiss
alex kirk wrote:
tuggeR* wrote:wow... splashgirl really need to a get a man into her life, nothing better then a dick to get rid of all the stress shes going through

Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:22 pm
by kirk
That statement is like perfectly synonymous to what a person says right before he turns into a rapist.

Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:24 pm
by tuggeR*
im willing to sacrifice my virginity if she let us play on their server

Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:25 pm
by kirk
tuggeR* wrote:im willing to sacrifice my virginity if she let us play on their server

Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:26 pm
by tuggeR*
no honestly!

funny picture though.

Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:27 pm
by kirk
tuggeR* wrote:no honestly!
Yeah no, honestly, same here.

Re: Mogers Down

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:33 pm
by mogers
So I gave up on trying to reason with them and typed this:

Re: Banned from KHH Server
« Reply #34 Today at 6:30pm »
I'm glad talking in caps and being completely ignorant makes you feel better about yourself. I wasn't cheating, and in this case I am the victim. You banned me, unjustly. Just because you can. You can do whatever you want, because, you're right, it's your and your teams server. Congrats. I am giving up. But you all are honestly the exact people that have helped kill this game that we all enjoy playing. So, pat yourselves on the back for that.

As for what you have said regarding 1911. You can see that in that thread I haven't said anything bad about you, and it is unreasonable for you to group me with everything that everyone on that forum posts. It's like saying you are mean because of something that Hyzer posted on your forums.

As far as you saying I'm not a good player. You're right.. I'm not very good anymore. I did win a LAN tournament in NYC a few years ago.. and for the most part now I'm washed up. I'm not good at this game anymore and I still went like 85-16 against you, so what does that say?

I didn't do anything to you people and you immediately crucified me without listening to reason. So, in return, *boink* you.

Why don't you go get that nasty *girl thingy* of yours laid. Maybe you wouldn't be so uptight anymore.

inb4banned from the forums.

I'm sure I'll be banned, it doesn't appear they were ever going to unban me from the server, so what's the loss?