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Re: Another 1 Down?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:57 pm
by Cage
siXten wrote:I have to guess where the other guy is going to move? ( + I got 120-150 ping if you didnt know that, idiot)
That's not true at all, you don't have to guess where the players are gonna move, it just takes longer for your shots to register on the guy. OH HOW DO I KNOW!?!?!??!

siXten wrote:I only play with the people who are in my teams (my tpg euro team, my ED/TPG nightcup team and tpg2 team + just a few others). So it's like 1/5 (or 1/6)of this(american) community I pretty much know.
Then why do you captain? Idiot.

Also. Don't call crafty and idiot since your 16year old ass can't understand that you should be in spec waiting to be the fat kid.


Re: Another 1 Down?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:35 pm
by SKiNnTo
Seems like Cage has done some work on some jimmies! High 5 crafty as well. This thread might outlast the steroid era in MLB!

Re: Another 1 Down?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:38 pm
by DinG
moosh wrote:He's obviously cheating in the videos. Picks terrible spots but has a reaction time of instant. Cheating.
Sshh Moosh! His reactions are terrible based on those movies! I don't know where I stand in this scenario, when he is playing on GSR I have the suspicion he cheats but after playing him on a 12 man I thought he was awful. Who knows?!

Re: Another 1 Down?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:43 pm
by nomis
I always thought he was awful, but if he's using some jump script stuff at the very least, still a cheater. Dunno about walls, I'd have to watch through the demo myself

Re: Another 1 Down?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:49 pm
by acetamino
While engaging in play on the server, a player proceeded to call cheats on me (nothing new) and talk out of his ass to make himself look like a moron. After continually taking a dump all over him, he out of nowhere "got much better." After pulling a couple juke moves on him I was able to determine that he had toggled on in his rage of fury of being bad at this game. ... =66&t=6358

Re: Another 1 Down?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:02 pm
by Sp3c-BuLLeT
moosh wrote:So just pubbed with him. Apparently he can hear me make a tiny noise while all talk is going **** crazy.
I turn in game voice off. Pubbing with in game chat on is always a nightmare imho. And if Voldemort was talking in game I wouldn't put it past him to turn the receive all the way down, because he doesn't planning on hearing you. He just wants to talk non-stop the entire time.

Re: Another 1 Down?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:45 pm
by k4b00m

Re: Another 1 Down?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:05 pm
by ward
k4b00m wrote:Image
About time. <IDIOT DOWN>