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Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:56 am
by Marshall_D
I was going to say something witty, but I didn't want to offend the kettles or the blacks :arrow:

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:11 am
by ryanemo
whats weird is how im going to join the BAW roster for this week...gotta rep my old pub clan. i'll have corey make a mini movie of my 50's each half. gonna be 2-e-z.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:12 am
by taylor
marshall D is the biggest racist i know

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:23 am
by Marshall_D
Potsanpans... :cry:

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:24 am
by CharlieGiteau
Rob wrote:Wait... but that max guy actually does cheat.
I just thought it was funny how SquadLeader went about it and placed himself upon some high pedestal. When I first saw that post I fell over laughing. I was only on the COR forums to get unbanned myself and ended up finding that golden thread.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:35 am
by stealthlol
AccuseMe wrote:lol there should be a
"Trolling TimTebow" topic in here.....
I don't even care I'll play along I'm havin' fun with it....


My TimTebow account went to -779 rep, in 24 posts, in 16 hours....LMAO thats gotta be close to the record!
Pretty sure stamp got 3x the negative rep in 1/5th the posts. Keep trying, though.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:45 am
by nunz
stealthlol wrote:
AccuseMe wrote:lol there should be a
"Trolling TimTebow" topic in here.....
I don't even care I'll play along I'm havin' fun with it....


My TimTebow account went to -779 rep, in 24 posts, in 16 hours....LMAO thats gotta be close to the record!
Pretty sure stamp got 3x the negative rep in 1/5th the posts. Keep trying, though.

Stamp > Tebow

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:55 am
by SKiNnTo
When will 1911 open the negative rep Hall of Fame. A short list of some members:


Feel free to add to the list!

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:58 am
by AccuseMe
lol you guys are hilarious.....
soooooo many accusations!!!!

regardless of what anyone says about me, anyone following this thread, has enjoyed it. People have come on and posted, "I was having a bad day at work, came home and found this, Here's to TimTebow....
Here's to TimTebow indeed....

If i manage to put a smile on peoples faces, even if they think it's at my expense....
I'm proud to be the reason.....

*Considering the league answered my ticket, within a reasonable time, and I managed to MISS it, I will be un-installing the enhancement pack, and awaiting further review. I do not expect the league to come up with a ruling in a little over 24hrs, it is unfair to the league, given it was my fault i missed the response.....I will post the video of what it does, after the ruling which i hope can be before the Week 2 match.

Lol i know eh Rob! look how great I am at controlling my pistol recoil...I easily put 4 bullets to the cranium in that clip, and even tho the bullets didnt even register it looked GREAT.
When you accuse me of cheating it makes my dick hard....keep doing it im about to ****.

Re: Week 1 anzio

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:08 pm
by stealthlol
AccuseMe wrote:If i manage to put a smile on peoples faces, even if they think it's at my expense....
I'm proud to be the reason.....
"Think." I wish I could just tune out everybody being logical around me and live in bliss. Then again, if it made a person look at life like you do...I'll pass.