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Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:48 pm
by billbsod
I remember after a scrim on Merderet eman was insistant that I was cheating my balls off; just to put things in perspective. Lennon was a map that I was insistant of not mging on.

Talk to krod at all icm? That's some one I haven't seen in a while. Oh and rph8 was a wicked sniper; neXus was a really fun team to play against now that I'm remembering a lot of close matches and stuff. Did you play against us on rr1 back in the season you guys won cal-o with smak getting banned from TPG? I remember petey, hello2.0, rebirth, and smak for sure played, but it was so long ago I don't remember if you were there that night. That was one of the most intense matches I was ever in; I was playing from my dad's office because my home internet was crap back then. I remember gazebo (kenshin) had the match of his life in that match...

Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:14 pm
by lowcarb
ian is on ghad, bye sean

Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:40 pm
by verb

How you been bud?!!?!

Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:45 pm
by verb
billbsod wrote:I remember after a scrim on Merderet eman was insistant that I was cheating my balls off; just to put things in perspective. Lennon was a map that I was insistant of not mging on.

Talk to krod at all icm? That's some one I haven't seen in a while. Oh and rph8 was a wicked sniper; neXus was a really fun team to play against now that I'm remembering a lot of close matches and stuff. Did you play against us on rr1 back in the season you guys won cal-o with smak getting banned from TPG? I remember petey, hello2.0, rebirth, and smak for sure played, but it was so long ago I don't remember if you were there that night. That was one of the most intense matches I was ever in; I was playing from my dad's office because my home internet was crap back then. I remember gazebo (kenshin) had the match of his life in that match...
The season zero[E] won CAL-O the roster was smak, attitcus, petey, mexicant, rebirth and db

The banning season the roster was smak, hello2.0, sorrow, pontifex, db, and petey

Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:46 pm
by Icmer
verb wrote:
billbsod wrote:I remember after a scrim on Merderet eman was insistant that I was cheating my balls off; just to put things in perspective. Lennon was a map that I was insistant of not mging on.

Talk to krod at all icm? That's some one I haven't seen in a while. Oh and rph8 was a wicked sniper; neXus was a really fun team to play against now that I'm remembering a lot of close matches and stuff. Did you play against us on rr1 back in the season you guys won cal-o with smak getting banned from TPG? I remember petey, hello2.0, rebirth, and smak for sure played, but it was so long ago I don't remember if you were there that night. That was one of the most intense matches I was ever in; I was playing from my dad's office because my home internet was crap back then. I remember gazebo (kenshin) had the match of his life in that match...
The season zero[E] won CAL-O the roster was smak, attitcus, petey, mexicant, rebirth and db

The banning season the roster was smak, hello2.0, sorrow, pontifex, db, and petey
I've never been banned. I have been suspended for no movies or SS once or twice on neXus. But not on zero.effect.

And I played in the cal-o final match, it was intense, but I did sub-par if I remember correctly. The real stars was mexicant/smak.

Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:27 pm
by kalle carlund
i snitch this to say hello myself dear america.

Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:58 am
by xone

Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:19 am
by billbsod
wait, icm is sorrow? sorrowbringer from uL|M|?

Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:13 am
by james-
I never knew you were sorrow o.0

When was the last time you talked to smak? Haven't seen him around in ages. I think I've seen petey on here? Maybe not.

Re: Had to say hello

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:17 am
by verb
im here james :P Just been using my old alias from before smak .... figured my "past clans" list would have given it away ... my bad