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Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:55 pm
by kirk
Carb cycling on a bulk?

Lulz k.
tr4gik wrote:Dumbbells, and a pull up bar is all I have at my disposal atm.
How many? What weights?

Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:57 pm
by tr4gik
I have a bowflex dumbbell set that goes up to 52.5

Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:57 pm
by scorch-
alex kirk wrote:Also: I haven't read the entire text, just the basics of the routine. But if Rip talks about nutrition at all, just ignore that shit. He's brilliant when it comes to training, but admits that his understanding of nutrition is crazy limited.
His nutrition advice is basically to eat more and sleep more and that if you're not getting stronger after X months, you're not doing the program. He doesn't go into macro breakdowns or anything like that other than the gram protein per pound bodyweight, so it's not all that helpful on what to eat.

Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:04 pm
by kirk
tr4gik wrote:I have a bowflex dumbbell set that goes up to 52.5
Never listen to someone who has you hitting abs 2x per week and every other muscle group 1x per week. The routines that have you working each muscle group 1x per week are intended for people who do steroids because when you're stacking d-bol, insulin, growth hormone, testosterone, etc. you can get crazy gains from a single workout per week. For people who are natural (aka, you), your body will see gains from a single workout for 24-48 hours after that workout. After that 24-48 hours, you need to re-stimulate the muscles again. For people on steroids, this ain't an issue. This is a long way of saying: you need to hit each muscle group more than once per week. The people who say otherwise are typically really big dudes, and they're more often than not doing steroids of some kind. Or people trying to mimic those big dudes without a clue as to what the shit they're doing.

I would do a 3 day split of a full body routine, a 4 day split of upper/lower body, or a 4 day split of push/pull motions. It's up to you and how much you want to work out each week. It'd be better if you had a gym at your disposal, but you can make do with those for the time being.
scorch- wrote:His nutrition advice is basically to eat more and sleep more and that if you're not getting stronger after X months, you're not doing the program. He doesn't go into macro breakdowns or anything like that other than the gram protein per pound bodyweight, so it's not all that helpful on what to eat.
Good deal. Nice and simple. I like.

Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:22 pm
by Jb_
Oh the irony of all you nerds talking about lifting weights. Sears is the only real muscle man on this forum. Do the rest of you even lift? (looking at alex kirk)


Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:30 pm
by kirk
Jb_ wrote:Oh the irony of all you nerds talking about lifting weights. Sears is the only real muscle man on this forum. Do the rest of you even lift? (looking at alex kirk)

Sure do. Problem?

Also last I checked you need to dial in your diet, bro. Do you even nutrition?

Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:49 pm
by tr4gik
Appreciate the advice I'll look into a gym membership once I get a bit more knowledgeable on what I want to accomplish.

Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:58 pm
by british
just get a free counsel from a gym, there pretty knowledgeable there.

don't rely on alex kirk. If you do start getting big and people ask where your inspiration came from, do you really want to say some guy on a dod forum?

<3 soma

Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:02 pm
by tr4gik
If asked that question I would obviously lie, and say I had a flash of self inspiration, and went for it bro!

Re: What Guy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:04 pm
by kirk
british wrote:just get a free counsel from a gym, there pretty knowledgeable there.

don't rely on alex kirk. If you do start getting big and people ask where your inspiration came from, do you really want to say some guy on a dod forum?

<3 soma
I'd avoid personal trainers. Most of them spout total nonsense. You see them throwing people on Swiss balls and leg extensions. I don't think I've seen many personal trainers give a routine that relies primarily on compound movements. Most of them isolate to a gross extent.

Rely on me. They'll know it's credible.

@tr4gik - If you go for a gym membership, look at Scorch's post about Rippetoe's SS program. It's probably considered the quintessential program for beginners by one of the most revered trainers ever. It's a ridiculously simple routine, it has you in the gym 3x per week for ~45 minutes each time, and the gains you'll see are as good as what you'd see in probably any other program (assuming your diet is in check, of course).