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Re: Server Mod Idea - TPG Roster Check

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:12 pm
by chimpanzebra
Thank you for explaining what read only means Tin bad. What chris means is that even if your cfg is read only and you restart dod the rate command still dosent save. People need to start checking it before matches because were getting tired of suspending people off of spite disputes about rates.

Re: Server Mod Idea - TPG Roster Check

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:31 pm
by Tin Bad

Re: Server Mod Idea - TPG Roster Check

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:30 pm
by scorch-
chimpanzebra wrote:Thank you for explaining what read only means Tin bad. What chris means is that even if your cfg is read only and you restart dod the rate command still dosent save. People need to start checking it before matches because were getting tired of suspending people off of spite disputes about rates.
bind "w" "+forward; rate 30000"

Re: Server Mod Idea - TPG Roster Check

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:42 pm
by Hopper
Sp3c-BuLLeT wrote:
Hopper wrote:I don't even know you, but you're a genius.
You don't know me?



I'm #sp3c pm bullet...

I thought everyone knew me :-/

EDIT: I was a TPG admin from 2004-2010 then I decided to take a more passive role and hired rwc/narc to run the league for me. I currently host the TPG website, but I do not do admin work any more. I let the current admins handle everything and in my opinion they have done a great job. I also helped with the CAL Classic league.

In my clan days I attended CPL 2004 and 2005. I was the captain of Sp3c who played 1 season of CAL-O, 4 seasons of CAL-M, and 1 season of CAL-I. At every roster add deadline for CAL I would spam IRC with some recruiting message that always ended in #Sp3c pm BuLLeT hence the nickname. I used to shoutcast matches and hosted a DOD radio show on UC radio called PuB CaP. I made some crappy map dod_snowpillars_b1 and some crappy movie called Prone To Own. I've been playing DOD since the first public alpha was released.
I'm relatively new to TPG, only played a few seasons and only know a few people besides my own team.

Re: Server Mod Idea - TPG Roster Check

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:45 pm
by Sp3c-BuLLeT
Hopper wrote:
Sp3c-BuLLeT wrote:
Hopper wrote:I don't even know you, but you're a genius.
You don't know me?



I'm #sp3c pm bullet...

I thought everyone knew me :-/

EDIT: I was a TPG admin from 2004-2010 then I decided to take a more passive role and hired rwc/narc to run the league for me. I currently host the TPG website, but I do not do admin work any more. I let the current admins handle everything and in my opinion they have done a great job. I also helped with the CAL Classic league.

In my clan days I attended CPL 2004 and 2005. I was the captain of Sp3c who played 1 season of CAL-O, 4 seasons of CAL-M, and 1 season of CAL-I. At every roster add deadline for CAL I would spam IRC with some recruiting message that always ended in #Sp3c pm BuLLeT hence the nickname. I used to shoutcast matches and hosted a DOD radio show on UC radio called PuB CaP. I made some crappy map dod_snowpillars_b1 and some crappy movie called Prone To Own. I've been playing DOD since the first public alpha was released.
I'm relatively new to TPG, only played a few seasons and only know a few people besides my own team.
Don't worry about it I was very drunk when I posted my reply. I'm actually kind of embarrassed that I rambled off my DOD resume haha

Re: Server Mod Idea - TPG Roster Check

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:57 am
by rehpyc
Learn to use an autoexec.cfg n00bz