Re: need two, actually.
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:49 pm
thanks man! yea I don't generally talk about it. only teammates I've been with a bit I feel like "ok maybe they should know in case I can't show up bc I feel cruddy" or if we've been better friends than just dod teammates, so I'll tell them. u weren't with us for very long, so kind of weird/pointless for me to go out of my way to to fill you in. and I never have mentioned it directly in the forums other than to say "doctor appointments." don't want anyone to think I'm fishing for compassion or sympathy, cus I'm not. that would be lame lol, so that's why I dont mention it much. can make for an awkwardly sad convo too if just brought up out of nowhere and the person/people weren't expecting to hear that kind of story haha. just wanna play dod lol. if you're ever chillin with us in vent and playing with us i can fill ya in on the 3+ years/current situation if ya want haha.Rob64 wrote:I had no clue, but I'm glad it's over with and I hope to see you return to feeling normal soon!