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Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:13 pm
by motive
stealthlol wrote:Good thing there's a rule (4.1) against preventing such a thing and this is all for attention. Come on, invite teams. This is almost as bad as those tonymontana threads.
This isn't for attention, or I would've just made the thread myself. Tox is being a loser, I don't feel like dealing with it (again) so I reported some FFL's and told my team. Nobody cared. Now I'm playing GTA5. Things are clearly better this way.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:25 pm
by stile
stile wrote:Like I said, everyone is pretty damn busy. DoD matches are not a priority for anyone on our team right now. I've got a huge school dance and science fair to worry about.

I think we tried against THUNDER for about 5 minutes, but them crouch walking everywhere gets kind of old. Kind of like playing iwa. Which is why I didn't play last week and probably why we won.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:27 pm
by An1maL
if you can't play in the week, why not next sunday? pretty embarrassing to FF a final :S (plus I wanted to watch)

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:27 pm
by stile

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:28 pm
by stile
Theworst wrote:
Hudson` wrote:This message is for TPG organizers and players:

Unless something formal has been scheduled by the teams official listed leaders, through the official TPG website, I kindly request that you please show up for your God damn matches, on match night, on time.

I started playing DoD in 10th grade. Did I care in 10th grade whether I played tonight or tomorrow or in three days? No, because I came home and played for 4 hours every night regardless. I'm now entering my third year of graduate school. I am a busy person. I am, in fact, not unique in this regard. Many, and I dare say, most people now work full time, and have girlfriends, wives, and even kids.

Official match night is Sunday night, an agreed-upon weekend night, for a reason -- because we're all old, and have things to do during the week. You want to do something else Sundays? By all means, I support it. Do it, man. Just don't make a DoD team. Let it go and give it up. And definitely don't be so **** crass as to expect, or even force, other people to provide charity to you in the form of their personal time on another night.


Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:02 pm
by Fifty
stile wrote:
Theworst wrote:
Hudson` wrote:This message is for TPG organizers and players:

Unless something formal has been scheduled by the teams official listed leaders, through the official TPG website, I kindly request that you please show up for your God damn matches, on match night, on time.

I started playing DoD in 10th grade. Did I care in 10th grade whether I played tonight or tomorrow or in three days? No, because I came home and played for 4 hours every night regardless. I'm now entering my third year of graduate school. I am a busy person. I am, in fact, not unique in this regard. Many, and I dare say, most people now work full time, and have girlfriends, wives, and even kids.

Official match night is Sunday night, an agreed-upon weekend night, for a reason -- because we're all old, and have things to do during the week. You want to do something else Sundays? By all means, I support it. Do it, man. Just don't make a DoD team. Let it go and give it up. And definitely don't be so **** crass as to expect, or even force, other people to provide charity to you in the form of their personal time on another night.

This is **** embarassing.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:05 pm
by taylor
just herd the story from milo, and lol.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:15 pm
by rolyat
Theworst wrote:
Hudson` wrote:This message is for TPG organizers and players:

Unless something formal has been scheduled by the teams official listed leaders, through the official TPG website, I kindly request that you please show up for your God damn matches, on match night, on time.

I started playing DoD in 10th grade. Did I care in 10th grade whether I played tonight or tomorrow or in three days? No, because I came home and played for 4 hours every night regardless. I'm now entering my third year of graduate school. I am a busy person. I am, in fact, not unique in this regard. Many, and I dare say, most people now work full time, and have girlfriends, wives, and even kids.

Official match night is Sunday night, an agreed-upon weekend night, for a reason -- because we're all old, and have things to do during the week. You want to do something else Sundays? By all means, I support it. Do it, man. Just don't make a DoD team. Let it go and give it up. And definitely don't be so **** crass as to expect, or even force, other people to provide charity to you in the form of their personal time on another night.


Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:30 pm
by toxinatoR
Bryans out of town, jules is in baltimore (might be back by tonight), rivas is in orlando(his pc is in tampa).. Miller, im not even sure about. As he also sometimes travels for work. I posted Monday at 10est because you guys are all usually on scrimming around that time. Motive didn't even bother to post a counter match time he just reported FF wins for us.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:33 pm
by Jstampz
Stop being bitches and play