need one.

Keeping the prac.
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Post by tenks »

Joey wrote: while you are telling everyone how you would like to beat tenks up in real life)

Interesting that someone with such thick skin wants to fight someone over a video game. I'm pretty flattered though <3
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Post by devin- »

**** you Ian.
(On a side note)I honestly hope you realize that what people do over the internet has no reflection on the real them. I laugh at those who take shit talking over the internet seriously.
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Post by knGnGz »

Fight me @ Vegas lan idiots.
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Post by twist »

still could have had me on the team.
clearly your loss.
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Post by Airnick15 »

No thanks, in addition to struggling to break 20 a half you also are a moron. :(
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Post by tenks »

devin- wrote:**** you Ian.
(On a side note)I honestly hope you realize that what people do over the internet has no reflection on the real them. I laugh at those who take shit talking over the internet seriously.

watch out bro, he's an alpha male. IRL!
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Re: need one.

Post by pyrite »

first off, **** you too devin :) lol i dont hate u like everyone else

secondly i never said i wanted to beat him up, i said he needs a good beating. there is a difference, i guess i have to explain this too...

its simple, this society is falling apart slowly as the generations past and i believe a big part of it is lack of 'capital punishment'. and no im not necessarily referring to the death sentence. i mean how there are no consequences anymore and people are never held accountable for their actions. its in every facet of life including work. its sad how soft people are and they just instantly go to "ill sue you". lawyers are destroying this country and i hear in the news all the time of people winning the most ridiculous cases. its similar to the whole 'timeout' vs hitting your kid debate (and no i dont mean beat your kids idiots). ive worked in enough customer service jobs in my past to know that kids are so much more disobedient and act out embarrassingly all the time. there is no structure and they all run their parents. its because timeouts (warnings at work, slaps on the wrist from the government, etc) doesn't teach most people a lesson. its almost a primitive way of looking at it i admit that, but its something that worked for generations. pain, whether it be physical or emotional, is a true punishment that teaches someone not to do that again...almost like putting your hand on the stove.

thats all i meant by how i felt towards jason because he truly acts like a teenager half if not most the time and its annoying and pathetic. he talks SHIT NON STOP and trolls everyone. hell im just saying what most the community thinks, no one on my team wanted to recruit you, i was the only one still considering you. especially after that scrim where you stopped and let them cap out so you could talk shit (last alive mind you).

at the end of the day, you mean nothing to me and as soon as i leave the server i could care less. but im me 24/7...unlike what devin said i dont act differently behind my computer, and that type of character especially from a man is pitiful. so ill always voice my opinion, even like im prolly unnecessarily doing here but thats just me. could care less what the lash back, otherwise i wouldnt keep speaking. you have to understand this all coming from someone who attended 30-35 lans in a game that half of it was talking shit and how timid all these kids would be when they showed up at lan after talking big. AGAIN im not saying this to be tough but to prove my point about peoples character and two faced-nesssss

and i enjoy shit talking for fun with the best of em, like i said thats what cs was. honestly thats why this response really isnt directed at jason necessarily anymore cuz his shit talking abilities/ability to have an intelligent, mature rebuttal bores me

on a side note, **** you devin ;)
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Post by twist »

Airnick15 wrote:No thanks, in addition to struggling to break 20 a half you also are a moron. :(
At least my 19 kills involved flag breaks.
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Re: need one.

Post by tenks »

cough, too bad your team asked me to join after the first scrim as long as " I could put up with Ian" cough cough.

99% of the stuff you're saying is coming out of your ass. Do you know how many people are laughing at you right now?

I look forward to your next book on this subject matter.

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