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Re: Eagle League has room for 1 more team in each division

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:07 pm
by pappy_boyington
Disagreeing with admins is unhealthy, so I'll try to be civil as I disagree with you. :lol:

Creepy, unhealthy, ranting ... it might be all those things.

It might also be legitimate frustration at the impotency of this dying community. Why whine and complain about FLAWLESS and their roster when there is no intention of doing anything except armchair judging?

I thought responding to the concerns of the DoD community would build bridges and open doors. I guess I was wrong.

This thread is not meant for the disinterested. It is meant for those who want to preserve what little is left of this special community. Call it creepy or unhealthy, call it a rant. But if you aren't interested in making these last few years of DoD the best they can be, don't waste my time.

Re: Eagle League has room for 1 more team in each division

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:15 pm
by james-
I like the idea of admins being able to "keep and eye" on the shady players. Wish we could have just waved the magic ban wand at some of the terribles back in the day.

Re: Eagle League has room for 1 more team in each division

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:19 pm
by c-tOn
Both of you 2 have valid points. I do feel that the DoD community wont put any effort into change or growing. If anyone put a little effort in they get trolled for it, but that's how its always been. Bunch of kids, with nothing better to do but talk shit on the internet. After a while you just say **** it and start trolling as well because there is nothing better to do. Like everyone says, DoD is DEAD, and the days of CAL are gone, yet we still insist on playing this terrible game and whining about it when we can. There is no hope for this community and there never will be. It's a very nice gesture for Sears to put 1911 back up, but not sure if it will save this community (no offense).

Anyways i hope you all die in a fire, you've always been a bunch of **** to me :D


p.s. please DO troll me for making shitty dod maps!!!

Re: Eagle League has room for 1 more team in each division

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:20 pm
by Swiss
so sears doesnt have to respond to this point once again....

1911 is not for reviving/keeping alive this community

Re: Eagle League has room for 1 more team in each division

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:55 pm
by squatta_leader
haha, thanks

Re: Eagle League has room for 1 more team in each division

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:15 pm
by c-tOn

Re: Eagle League has room for 1 more team in each division

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:57 pm
by pappy_boyington
Swiss wrote:so sears doesnt have to respond to this point once again....

1911 is not for reviving/keeping alive this community
I get that. 1911 is dead for the dead. fine. So be it ...

This thread is for the small living DoD community. The dead need not apply. :P

Re: Eagle League has room for 1 more team in each division

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:07 pm
by squatta_leader
We should all just start realism clans and bring back ETO. Right?


[3rd-ID]Cpt. Eric Sears <Bravo Company> {1st Division} [OwP]